Fig. 1A soft tissue perineurioma arising in the skin. Micrographs (A, B) show proliferation of spindle cells with wavy nuclei and delicate elongated bipolar cytoplasmic processes. Immunohistochemical staining reveals proliferating spindle cells, diffusely and strongly positive for epithelial membrane antigen (C) and focally positive for the S-100 protein (D).
Fig. 2A hybrid perineurioma and schwannoma in the posterior mediastinum. Central circle shows two distinct representative areas of the hybrid tumor. The perineurioma-looking area (A) is composed of spindle cells with wavy nuclei and elongated bipolar cytoplasmic processes. The perineurioma area is also diffusely and strongly positive for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) (B) but, negative for S-100 protein (C). Another spindle area manifests as a typical schwannoma (D), including Antoni A and B areas and nuclear palisading. In the schwannoma-looking area, the tumor cells are evenly and strongly immunoreactive for S-100 protein (F), but do not stain for EMA (E). H&E, hamatoxylin and eosin.
Fig. 3Transmission electron micrographs of the hybrid perineurioma and schwannoma. In the perineurioma area (A), the tumor cells show slender cytoplasmic processes containing pinocytic vesicles (indicated by arrows in the inset) and discontinuous external lamina (arrowheads). In contrast, the schwannoma area (B) exhibits attenuated cell processes invested by continuous basal lamina (×4,000).