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Jae Su Roh 2 Articles
Ewing's Sarcoma/PNET of the Talus: Report of a Case.
Sun Young Kim, Hyuck Po Kwon, Jae Su Roh, Hyoun Oh Cho
Korean J Cytopathol. 2004;15(2):120-125.
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Ewing's sarcoma (ES)/PNET is common in both axial and appendicular skeletons, but is extremely rare in the talus. Here, we report a case of ES/PNET of the left talus in a 29-year-old male patient diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology, and review the literature on similar cases. The cytological smears were composed of individually dispersed small round cells and occasional clusters of loosely cohesive cells. The tumor cells were fragile, frequently exhibiting naked nuclei. Two distinct types of cells were observed. The light (chief) cells displayed round or slightly oval nuclei with frequent indentations, generally inconspicuous nucleoli, and a thin rim of cytoplasm, which sometimes harbored small vacuoles. The dark cells were smaller, displaying scanty cytoplasm with dense hyperchromatic nuclei, intermixed with chief cells, and often manifesting as small molded groups. However, no significant nuclear pleomorphisms or mitoses were noted. Tumor cells in the cell block revealed positive cytoplasmic glycogen, as determined by a PAS stain with diastase control, and also exhibited positive immunoreactivity for CD99.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Granular Cell Tumor of the Lower Leg: Report of a Case.
Sun Young Kim, Jin Seok Hwang, Hyuck Po Kwon, Ju Heon Yang, Jae Su Roh, Wan Suk Yang
Korean J Cytopathol. 2004;15(2):126-130.
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Granular cell tumor is characterized by large eosinophilic cells with granular appearances. These are mostly benign. Approximately 1~2% are malignant, and establishment of reliable criteria for diagnosing malignant granular cell tumor has been difficult to establish because of the rarity. Reports on the cytologic features of this neoplasm are hardly found in Korea. We report a case of rarely-occurring granular cell tumor in the lower leg of a 40-year-old male, diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology, together with a review of the literature regarding significant adverse histology and prognostic factors. The aspirates revealed cellular smears of isolated cells, syncytial clusters, and occasionally stripped nuclei in a fine, bluish-purple, granular background. Tumor cells were polygonal, rounded, or slightly spindled, and showed ill-defined granular cytoplasm. Nuclei were small and round or oval, with inconspicuous or small, prominent nucleoli. The nuclei showed rare intranuclear cytoplasmic invagination. Occasionally, there were mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphisms with vesicular nuclei, with large, prominent nucleoi, but no mitosis. The immunocytochemical stain for S-100 was strongly positive in the cytoplasm of tumor cells with occasional nuclei.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine