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Chin Kook Rhee 1 Article
A Rare Case of Angioleiomyoma Arising in the Subglottic Area to Upper Trachea of a Patient with Underlying Asthma
Yeoun Eun Sung, Chin Kook Rhee, Kyo Young Lee
J Pathol Transl Med. 2017;51(1):92-95.   Published online August 22, 2016
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Angioleiomyoma is a rare disease that is histologically characterized by smooth muscle cells arranged around vascular spaces. Although angioleiomyomas occur rarely in the head and neck region, they can cause various symptoms according the site involved. Here, we present a 44-yearold male patient with a 15-year history of asthma, who presented with recent onset of chest discomfort, globus sensation and throat pain. Medication was not effective in relieving his symptoms, and further evaluation revealed a polypoid ovoid mass, almost obstructing the airway at the border of the larynx and upper trachea on chest computed tomography. The mass was completely resected via a rigid bronchoscopy procedure. Histopathologic examination revealed that the excised mass was angioleiomyoma, which was immunohistochemically positive for smooth muscle actin and negative for desmin.


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J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine