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- Volume 3(2); December 1992
Original Articles
- Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology of malignancies of the pancreas.
Jung Dal Lee, Keun Shin Kyu, Jin Seok Ko, Chul Yong Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):37-51.
- No abstract available.
- Conjoined Twins -Two Autopsy Cases Report-
Geung Hwait Ahn, Je Geun Chi, Jin Ho Lee, Sang Kook Lee, Hong Taek Kim, Kyung Ho Chun
Korean J Cytopathol. 1969;3(2):51-57.
- The term "conjoined twins" is usually applied to twins who have some variety of anatomical union. We have the opportunity to study two cases of conjoined twine at the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University.
The first case is cephalothoracopagus syncephalus, which was one of live-born binovular triplets delivered from a 33-years-old multiparous Korean woman at 32 weeks of gestation period.
The second case is dicephalus dipus tribrachius, which was still-born uniovular twin delivered from a 31-years-old multiparous Korean woman at 36 weeks of gestation period. Review of the literature conscerning the classification, etiology and prognosis of the conjoined twins was attempted.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast.
Kyung Ja Cho, Jae Soo Koh, Chang Won Han, Ja June Jang
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):52-59.
- No abstract available.
- Adenocanthoma of the Stomach (A Case Report)
Moon Ho Yang, Hyo Sook Park, Je G. Chi, Sang In Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1969;3(2):59-63.
- Adenoacanthoma of the stomach is a rare lesion of obscure origin. Approximately 43 anthenticated cases of primary adenoacanthoma of the stomach have been compiled since the first description made by Rolleston and Trevor in 1905. No special clinical features could be found which help to separate this unusual cell type from the usual adenocarcinoma.
Three theories concerning the origin of these unusual tumors are 1) squamous cell metaplasia. 2)heterotopic islands of squamous cells, and 3) tumor cells arising from the direct stimulation of undifferentiated multipotential cells in gastric mucosa.
A 37-year-old Korean male was admitted to Seoul National university Hospital because of rapid weight loss, vomiting and epigastric fullness of 3 months duration. Physical examination revealed a 47kg. weighing male, but showing essentially negative in that no abdominal masses were palpable, no lymphadenopathy was noted, and rectal examination was normal. The significant laboratory data included an upper gastrointestinal series which demonstrated an large filling defect in pyloric antrum along the greater curvature, and findings of pyloric stenosis.
The resected stomach contained a polypoid, focally ulcerating neoplastic mass measuring 4 cm. in maximum cross, which is infiltrating deep into muscularis. Serosa is partly involved grossly by neoplastic tissue, and several swollen lymph nudes were encountered along the greater curvature. Microscopic examination revealed infiltrating tumor masses that are comprised partly by differentiated, focally pearl forming squamous cell nests invading into external muscularis. In areas there are atypical glandular component, with evidence of mucin production.
- Cytologic findings of pancreatic islet cell tumor with lymph node metastasis.
Yee Jeong Kim, Yoon Jung Choi, Kyu Rae Kim, Woo Hee Jung, Kwang Gil Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):60-66.
- No abstract available.
- A Study on Phytoagglutinins in Seeds of Dolichos Lablab Var. Dendalensis Nakai and Glycine Max. Merrill
Gook Chin Moon, Hak Kyu Kim, Do Je Ahn
Korean J Cytopathol. 1969;3(2):65-71.
- Blood group specific plant agglutinins (phytoagglutinins) have already been known in some foreign countries, but only a few studies on blood group specific phytoagglutinins native to Korea have been presented.
Authors carried out agglutination and adsorption reaction of Dolichos lablab var. dendalensis Nakai (DLVDN) and Glycine Max. merrill (GMM) native to Korea with A, B, O, & AB human erythrocytes, studied their agglutinating inhibition reaction with saliva and various sugars, and observed their test stability with the following results:
1) Saline extract of DLVDN was found contain anti-A (H) specific agglutinin, and the heat stability of these agglutinins showed that the agglutinin treated at 1℃∼80℃ for 30 min. brought positive reaction but the agglutinin treated at 85℃ for 30min. produced a negative reaction; and the agglutinating reaction was no inhibited by sugars such as L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-mannose, dextrose, lactose and D-galactose.
2) Saline extract of GMM was found to contain anti-O (H) specific agglutinin and the agglutinating reaction was inhibited by some sugars such as lactose and L-arabinose.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology of apocrine carcinoma of the breast: two cases report-.
So Young Jin, Dong Wha Lee, Jeong Ja Kwak
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):67-74.
- No abstract available.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology of acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid gland: a case report.
Won Ae Lee, Yi Kyeong Chun, Mee Hye Oh, Shin Khang Kwang
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):75-81.
- No abstract available.
- Electron microscopic study on fine needle aspiration cytology of metastatic malignant melanoma.
Dong Wha Lee, So Young Jin, Kye Hyun Kwon
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):82-89.
- No abstract available.
- Effusion cytology of multiple myeloma: a case report.
Jae Soo Koh, Chang Won Ha, Kyung Ja Cho, Ja June Jang
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):90-93.
- No abstract available.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology of meningioma presenting as a neck mass.
Hyunee Yim, Young Nyun Park, Kwang Gil Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):94-99.
- No abstract available.
- A case of hepatic actinomycosis disgnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology.
Chang Won Ha, Jae Soo Koh, Kyung Ja Cho, Ja June Jang
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):100-103.
- No abstract available.
- A case of ovarian cystadenocarcinoma diagnosed by cervicovaginal smear.
Hye Rim Park, Joo Hyun Nam, Young Euy Park
Korean J Cytopathol. 1992;3(2):104-110.
- No abstract available.