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Volume 18(3); September 1984
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Histological Analysis on 132 Cases of Enucleated Eyeballs
In Ae Park , Je G. Chi, Sang Kook Lee, Dong Ho Youn*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):214-222.
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A total of 132 enucleated eyeballs is critically reviewed and analyzed histopathologically. These eyeballs were selected among the enucleated specimens that had been removed at the Seoul National University Hospital during a period of 21 years beginning from 1963 to 1983. Following results were obtained. 1) When the eyebalss were classified according to the direct cause of removal the tumor was the most common single cause accounting for 74(56.1%) out of 132 cases, followd by inflammation (22.0%), trauma (3.8%), glaucoma(7.6%), phthisis bulbi (2.3%), Coat's disease (3.8%), persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (2.3%), retrolental fibroplasia (1.5%) and cataract (10.8%). 2) The noeplastic lesion could again be divided into 66 intraocular and 8 extraocular tumors. Ret inoblastoma was the commonst intraocular tumor accounting for 57 out of 74 cases. 3) About 50% of the retinoblastoma were senn under two years, but t재 cases are found in the men of 52 years old. Only 1.8% of the cases were bilateral. In growth pattern, 89.4% of the tumor grew endophytically. Rosetts were senn only 33.3% of the retinoblastoma. 4) When our series was compared to other series published in Korea, the trauma was relatively less important for the cause of enucleation. And it was also noted that the glaucoma is less significant cause of enucleation in Korea compared to that of western countries.
Histochemical Observation of hCG, hPL and SP1 in Wilms' Tumor by PAP Method
Hyoun Tae Kim, Hyeong Il Kim, Ae Ja Park, Tae Soo Park
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):223-227.
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Intracellular and extracellular products could be demonstrated by immunohistochemcial studies, especially PAP method. Authors were studied by positivity of hCG, and SP1 in the cytoplasm of tumor cells. Therefore the tumor cells of Wilms' tumor were suggestive of the capability of the above hormonal productio.
A Pathologic Sutdy on Osteosarcoma
Gyung Hyuck Ko, Geung Hwan Ahn, Sang Kook Lee, Young Min Kim*, Se Il Suk*, Duk Yong Lee*, Han Koo Lee*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):228-241.
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A total of 101 cases of osteosarcoma was obtained from the pathology file of the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University during a period of 16 years beginning from January 1968 to December 1983. These tumors consisted of 94 cases (93%) of conventional intramedullary osteosarcoma, 4 cases (4%) of parosteal osteosarcoma, 1 case (1%) of periosteal osteosarcoma, and 2 cases (2%) of osteosarcoma arising form osteochondroma. A total of 94 cases of conventional intramedullary osteosarcoma consisted of 60 cases (63.8%) of osteoblastic osteosarcoma, 19 cases (20.2%) of chondroblastic osteosarcoma, and 15 cases (16.0%) of fibroblastic osteosarcoma. Conventional intramedullary osteosarcoma was most prevalent in the 2nd and 3rd decades (79.8%), and more prevalent in males than in females with male to female ratio of 2.6:1. But, the male to female ratio was 1:3 in parosteal osteosarcoma. The predilection sites were the femur and tibia. Both sites were almost equall involved in conventional intramedullary osteosarcoma. The height of the patients with osteosarcoma was more than 50th percentile in 72.5% of the cases. The chief complaints were pain and/or palpable mass, and the duration of symptoms prior to admission commonly ranged from one to three months. The duration of symptoms in patients with parosteal osteosarcoma was longer, and was more than 9 months in all 4 cases. Five year survival rate of osteosarcoma was 12%, and 2 year survival rate was 32.1%. The group of patients who were treated with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy showed a trend of longer survival than other groups. The patients with fibroblastic osteosarcoma also showed a trend of longer survival than the patients with osteoblastic or chondroblastic osteosarcoma.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
Ro Hyun Sung, Geung Hwan Ahn, Sang Kook Lee, Eui Keun Ham, Sang Chul Sung*, Moon Sang Chung*, Young Min Kim*, Se Il Suk*, Duk Yong Lee*, Hang Koo Lee*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):242-248.
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A Clinicopathologic study on 41 cases of giant cell tumor of bone obtained during a period of 16 years from 1968 to 1983 at the Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Hospital was done. In each case, sex, age, location of tumor, symptom, sign, roentgenographic findings, histological characteristics and treatment were analyzed. The 28 cases among them were followed for an average of 2.1 years, ranging from 6 months to 8 years. We compared the prognosis of tumor with aneurysmal bone cyst like area with the prognosis of tumor without aneurysmal bone cyst like area so as to know the biological behavior of tumor. The results were as follows: 1) The tumors were more frequent in females than in males with a female to male ratio of 3 to 2. 2) The tumors were rare before the age of 20. The tumors were most frequent in the third decade; about 68 percent of cases occured in the third and fourth decades combined. 3) 85 percent of the tumor were located at the epiphysis of long tubular bones of extremities. The distal femur and proximal tibia accounted for 59% of all tumors. 4) The major symptoms and signs were pain, swelling and limitation of motion about a joint. 5) None of the tumor showed frank sarcomatous lesion. 6) After primary curettage combined with bone grafting or cementing, 35% tumors recurred. After primary resection combined with bone grafting. 13% tumors recurred. Primary amputation was performed in 52 tumors, none of which recurred. 7) Time interval between primary treatment and recurrence was an average of 1.3 years, ranging from 4 months to 3 years. 8) There were not significant differences in prognosis between tumors with aneurysmal bone cyst like area and tumors without aneurysmal bone syst like area.
HDL-C, Total Cholesterol/HDL-C, and LDL-C/HDL C determination by Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis
Sang Cheol Suh, Jay Sik Kim, Jyung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):249-256.
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Previously we mainly used the precipitation method for measuring HDL cholesterol which was closely related to coronary heart disease. Now the author performed HDL-cholesterol determination against normal healthy adults, diabetics, patients of heart disease with or without myocardical infarction, and hypertension by CA electrophoresis and total cholesterol with V-cholestase(Nissui). Afterthat, we measured the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C in each group, and then we compared with normal control. The electrophoretic pattern of HDL cholesterol was corresponding to alpha-lipoprotein. The HDL cholesterol levels of normal male and female were 54.6±11.0㎎/dl and 71.7±13.0㎎/dl. The levels in myocardial infarction were 40.7±13.4㎎/dl in male and 39.7±13.1㎎/dl in female. Those of heart disease without myocardial infarction were 43.1±21.1㎎/dl in male and 51.0±21.8㎎/dl in female. The average HDL-C levels of these disease groups were lower than the normal control about 10㎎/dl this data was statistically significant. In hypertensive disease group, the levels were 45.2±16.5㎎/dl in male, 61.6±9.7㎎/dl in female and those of diabetics were 53.7±25.3㎎/dl in male, 55.8±11.8㎎/dl in female. There was little sexual difference in diabetics. In the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C, normal male was 3.62±0.66, 2.37±0.61 and normal female 2.61±0.40, 1.37±0.32. Of the mycardial infarction, male 5.31±2.96, 3.81±2.84, female 5.55±1.47, 3.94±1.33. There was statistically important difference between normal and myocardial infarction. Of the other cardiovaccular disease, male was 5.13±1.52, 3.63±1.83 and in female diabetics, total cholesterol/HDL-C was 5.07±2.64. Of the se cases, a little importance in comparison with normal. The remainings had a no statistically importance.
Evaluation of Laboratory Data in 103 Cases of Salmonella Infection
Min Cheol Lee, Chang Soo Park*, Soon Pal Suh*, Dong Wook Ryang*, Joo Yong Yoo*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):257-263.
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Evaluation of laboratory data was done in 103 cases of salmonella infection treated as in-patients at the Chonnam National Hospital for two years from Jan. 1981 to Dec. 1982. The following results were obtained. 1) Salmonella organisms were isolated from blood in 50.8%(97/191) of patients, and 26.1%(12/46) from stool cultures. The strains of isolated salmonella organisms were composed of 72 strains of Salmonella typhi(69.9%), 30 strains of Salmonella paratyphi A(29.1%) and 1 strain of Salmonella paratyphi C(1.0%). There were 4 strains of Salmonella typhi resistant to chloramphenicol, and 2 strains to ampicillin. 2) Positive Widal test was found in 33.8% 3) Hematological features disclosed leukopenia in 57.9%, and leukocytosis in 3.3%. Below 10g/dl of hemoglobin values were seen in 8.5% during all clinical periods. 4) Urinary protein, sugar and urobilinogen were detected in 36.3%, 3.8%, and 11.8%, respectively. Occult blood was noted in 32.5% 5) Liver function tests disclosed elevated level of transaminase(ALT and AST) in over 70% of all cases during clinical periods, and alkaline phosphatase(Alk-Pase) in about 23%.
Cryptococcosis: Microbiologically Proven 11 Cases during the Past 10 Years
Baek Soo Kim, Yunsop Chong, Samuel Y. Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):264-270.
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Eleven cases of proven cryptococcosis found at Yonsei Medical Center during 1973 to 1982 were studied retrospectively and the following results were obtained. 1) There was no increasing annual incidence of cryptococcosis during this period of time. The age incidence showed 7 out of 11 cases were children of under 10 years. Males dominated over females by a ratio of 8:3. 2) Nausea and vomiting were the most frequent chief complaints. Crptococcosis was suspected from the beginning in 5 of the patients, but in others, tuberculous meningitis, lymphoma or lower respiratory tract infection were suspected. 3) In general, leukocytosis were observed in all patients including 3 cases of eosinophilia. The mean spinal fluid cell counts were 103/㎕ with 81% lymphocyte. Spinal fluid protein was increased to 127㎕/100㎖ while glucose decreased to 21㎎/100㎖. 4) Spinal fluid examination revealed C. neoformans in 5 cut of 9 cases by India ink preparation, and in 9 out of 11 cases by culture technique. There were 2 cases in which the organism was proved by skin biopsy and culture but not by India ink preparation of spinal fluid. In view of these results, it can be concluded that the difinitive diagnosis of cryptococcosis should rely upon a careful analysis of clinical findings and laboratory data obtained form examination of specimens taken at proper stages.
Myxoid Leiomyosarcoma of the Uterus -A report of two cases-
Eun Sil Yu, Geung Hwan Ahn, Hyun Soon Lee, Sang Youn Nam*, Jin Yong Lee*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):271-275.
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Two cases of myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the uterus were reported. Case 1 was a 59 year-old female who complained of suprapubic mass for 1½ months. She had TAH and tumor mass located on anterior wall of the uterus was 12×10×9㎝. Case 2 was a 76 year-old female who found a mass in the left lower quadrant of abdomen. She underwent TAH with bilateral adnexectomy. The tumor mass showed myxoid appearance with cystic change. Microscopically two cases showed spindle to ovoid neoplastic cells in myxomatous stroma with microcystic spaces. Our cases have 0~1 mitotic figure per 10 HPF. Case 1 was lost to follow up and case 2 has been living healthy for 2 years and 1½ months after operation without local recurrence or metastasis. We consider this neoplasm to consist of heterogenous group of low grade and high grade malignancy of smooth muscle origin.
Caudal Regression Syndrome Born to a Diabetic Mother -An autopsy case-
Gyung Hyuck Ko, Je G. Chi, Jung Hwan Choi
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):276-280.
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Caudal regression is a term applied to a syndrome comprising complete or partial agenesis of sacrum and coccyx, often associated with malformation of the lower extremities(most commonly hypoplastic femurs), congenital heart disease, urologic abnormalities, and malformation of the upper extremities. It is estimated that the overall frequency of diabetes in the mothers of such infant is 16%. We report an autopsy case of 6 day old male infant with complete agenesis of the sacrum, coccyx, and L 5 vertebra, associated with transposition of great arteries, ventricular septal defect, and imperforate anus. He also had flexion deformity of both hip joints and equinovarus deformity of both feet. In addition, there were congestion of the liver and leptomeninges, and patchy plumonary hemorrhage. He was born by caesarian section due to polyhydramnios, breech presentation, suspected congenital abnormalities, and maternal preeclampsia, with the birth weight of 3.33kg. Immediately after birth, he did poorly showing Apgar scores of 5 and 7 after 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Blood glucose level was 40 to 55㎎/㎗ through the first 48 hours of age. A mild hypocalcemia and hyperbilirubinemia were noted. In spite of high oxygen therapy, cyanosis and dyspnea persisted, and he died at 6 days of age. The mother was noticed to be diabetic 3 years age, when she fell into diabetic coma after delivery of a dead born at 7 months af gestation. Thereafter, she was managed with diet control and insulin, intermittently. However, after 4th month of this pregnancy, the diabetes was well controlled till delivery.
Ectopic ACTH Producing Peripheral Carcinoid of the Lung Associated with Cushing's Syndrome
In Ae Park, Geung Hwan Aha, Seong Hoe Park, Sang Kook Lee, Eui Keun Ham, Joo Hyun Kim*, Hun Ki Min**
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):281-287.
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A case of peripheral carcinoid tumor of the lung associated with Cushing's syndrome is reported. This 31-years old man presented Cushing's syndrome 10 years ago and underwent bilateral adrenalectomy. Cushing's syndrome was relieved postoperatively but was followed by pronounced hyperpigmentation 8 years later. The lung nodule which was noticed at the 1st admission enlarged recently. Pneumonectomy specimen revealed gray a brown well demarcated mass in the periphery of the lung. Microscopically the tumor consisted mainly of spindle cell element. on electron microscopy membrane bound neurosecretory granules were identified. On PAP stain ACTH was demonstrated in the cytoplasm. In summary the peripheral carcinoid produced ectopic ACTH with resultant Cushing's syndrome and hyperpigmentation.
Malignant Lymphoma Simulating Hairy Cell Leukemia
Yong Koo Park, Ju Hie Lee, Jin Tae Suh, Hyun Sook Chi, Jung Dal Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):288-292.
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The report dealt with a 64 years-old female presented with massive splenomegaly, anemia and peripheral lymphocytosis with circulating hairy cells. The clinical and laboratory features prompted a clinical diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia. The distinctive splenic changes made the diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia revised to a malignant lymphoma, well differentiated lymphocytic type with leukemic features. Diagnostic features of hairy cell leukemia were reviewed in detail. Clinical and hematologic diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia should be confirmed by histologic examination.
An Autopsy Case of Cerebral Candidiasis Associated with Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus
Hwan Ju Choi, Hee Kyung Chang, Sun Kyung Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):293-297.
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An autopsy case of cerebral abscesses and granulomatous pachymeningitis caused by Candida in a 17-year-old Korean female with juvenile diabetes mellitus is reported and a review of literatures related to the case is presented. At autopsy there was noted markedly diminution of Langerhans' islets, intranuclear vacuolization of the liver cells, diffuse glomerulosclerosis of the kidneys, acute suppurative inflammation of the lungs, granulomata with central necrosis in the meninges, and multiple cerebral abscesses with the granulomatous reaction. The methenamine silver and PAS stains of meningeal and cerebral lesions disclosed many budding yeast cells, pseudohyphae and a few hyphae, consistent with Candida.
5 Cases of Aeromonas Septicemia with Skin Lesion
Hye Kyoung Yoon, Jin Sook Jeong, In Sook Lim, Jong Eun Joo, Sook Hee Hong
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):298-303.
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The Aeromonas species rarely produce human infection but in the cases of concomitant hepatobiliary lesion or leukemia, it invades as opportunistic infection and easily develops to septicemia. Occasionally ecthyma gangrenosum-like skin lesion is associated with Aeromonas septicemia. Since 1981, we have experienced 5 cases of Aeromonas septicemia which were confirmed by blood cultures. The following is the summary of the general features of Aeromonas septicemia. 1) All 5 cases revealed positive blood cultures. 1 case of cholecystitis with multiple stones was positive in bile culture. 2) Among 5 cases, 4 cases were man and all were above forty years. In 4 cases the outbreak was happened during July and August. 3) All patients had associated hepatobiliary disorders and 3 cases were fatal. 4) Recent 3 cases showed skin lesions, purplish deep seated hematomas, on the both lower extremities, seen as ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesion produced by Ps. aeruginosa. 5) The Aeromonas species were sensitive to chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, tetracycline, tobramycin, cephalothin and cefoperazone, but resistant to ampicillin.
A Case of Double Outlet Right Ventricle and Imperforate Cloacal Membrane
Mi Kyung Jee, Keo Young Lee, Sang In Shim, Sun Moo Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):304-308.
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Double outlet right ventricle This diverse group of cardiac malformations are characterized by the relationship of the great arteries to the ventricular septal deect and the presence of absence of valve or subvalvular pulmonic stenosis. The terminal protion of the hindgut is called the cloaca. The cloaca is devided by a coronal sheet or wedge of mesenchyme, the urorectal septum, which develops in the angle between the allantois and the hindgut at 4 weeks. By the end of the sixth week, the urorectal se[ptum has fused with the cloacal membrane deviding the cloaca into urogenital sinus and the rectum. If the urorectal septum does not develop and the cloacal membrane persist, and anomaly that the urogenital system and the digestive system are connected with each other is developed. We report an autopsy case of double outlet right ventricle and imperforated cloacal membrane with cystic dilatation. This case was accompanied by atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, agenesis of the right ear, left lower set ear with hypogenesis, lordosis, focal defect of the anterior abdominal wall defect just below umbilicus. The aorta was dextroposed and it arouse from the right ventricle, right to the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery was in normal position and the pulmonary stenosis was not found. The atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus were also found. The baby had rudimentary phallus without opening. The Abdomen was markedly dilated due to a cystic mass in the abdominal cavity. Both ureters and the large intestine drained into the cystic structure and the distal part of the left ureter was dilated. There were neither urethral opening nor anal opening connected to the outside.
Chondrosarcoma Arising in Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia
In Sook Lim, In Ki Paik, Illhyang Ko
Korean J Cytopathol. 1984;18(3):309-319.
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섬유성 이형성증의 악성변화는 매우 드물며 골육종, 섬유육종, 연골육종과 다른 육종의 순으로 발생하는 것으로 기술되어 있다. 이 악성변화는 방사선 치료와 관련이 있는 경우도 있고, 방사선 치료와 관련이 없는 경우도 있다. 본 예는 방사선 치료를 받지 않은 다골성 섬유성이 형성증에서 이행된 좌측 상악동의 연골육종 1예를 관찰하였기에 보고한다. 환자는 32세 남자로 1개월간 좌측 비주위(perinasal area)에 동통과 감각이상(paresthesia), 좌측 비폐쇄를 주소로 내원하였다. 이학적 검사상 좌측 안구돌출, 좌측 비주위에 약간의 부종, 구개부위의 감각이상, 하비갑개의 현저한 비후가 있었다. X-ray 검사상 거의 전신의 골격에 다발성으로 섬유성 이형성증을 볼 수 있었고, 좌측 상악동에는 섬유성 이형성증의 육종성 변화를 볼 수 있었다. 이상의 소견으로 좌측 상악동 악성종양으로 생각하여 수술을 시행하였다. 병리조직검사 소견은 분화가 좋은 연골육종이었고 섬유성 이형성증에서부터 이행부위도 관찰되었다. 4개월 후에 상악동 종양이 재발하여 currette했으며 역시 분화가 양호하나 침윤성인 연골육종의 소견을 볼 수 있었고, 좌측 대퇴골에서 개방성 조직생검을 하여 섬유성 이형성증을 확인하였다.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine