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Volume 16(4); January 1982
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An Evaluation of Modified Method (one tube direct method) for the Determination of ALA-U and it's Hospital Normal Range
Sook Joe Hue, Young Hoe Moon
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):655-659.
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The method applied is a direct one tube micromethod that measures rapidly and reliably d-ALA in a urine sample of 100ul. And also shows good linearity between absorbance and added ALA over a wide range of concentration. The test was performed in 79 urine samples, randomly selected in this hospital. 1) The mean value of ALA-U in all the samples is 3.94±2.22(1.72~6.16 ㎎/L.) with variation in according to age group, ie. 4.5±2.8㎎/L. in the group under the age of 10, 4.1±2.2 ㎎/L. in 10~19yrs group and 3.28±1.36㎎/L. in the group of 20~39 years old. 2) The peak frequency of specimen allocated depend on the concentration of ALA-U is in range of 2~2.9 ㎎/L with 32.6%(29 cases). 3) The effect of reaction time(boiling time of reactant) to the recovery rate of ALA added to samples shows at Table 1. ie., the peak recovery rate(98%) found at 15-minutes reaction time. 4) A good linearity (relationship) between the ALA value and its absorbance is noted at Fig. III. ie., Absorbance 0.1 equivalent to 6㎎/L. of ALA concentration(Factor is 60).
Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacteria Isolated from Clinical Specimens in 1981
Dong Seok Jeon, Kyung Sun Kim, Jay Sik Kim, Jung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):660-667.
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Susceptibility of 128 strains of bacteria isolated from clinical materials at Kyungpook National University Hospital in 1981 were determined by disc diffusion and plate dilution methods. A total of 128 isolates consisting of 49 Staphylococcus aureus, 29 Serratis marcescens and 50 Escherichia coli were tested. 19 strains of S. aureus were isolated from pus, and 20 strains of S. marcescens and 31 strains E, coli were isolated from urine specimens. Susceptible isolates of S. aureus by disc diffusion method and plate dilution method and plate dilution method were 95.9% and 87.8% to amikacin, 98.0% and 87.8% to cephalothin. 51.0% and 42.9% to chloramphenicol, 53.1% and 49.0% to gentamicin, 14.3% and 57.1% to penicillin G, and 20.4% and 20.4% to tetracycline respectively. Susceptible isolates of S. marcescens were 55.2% and 41.4% to amikacin, 37.9% and 27.6% to gentamicin, 31.0% and 13.4% to tobramycin, 3.4% and 0% to ampicillin, 24.1% and 0% to chloramphenicol. To cephalothin and to tetracycline all of the isolates showed resistance by both methods. Susceptible isolates of E. coli were 96.0% and 100% to amikacin, 87.0% and 78.0% to cephalothin 72.0% and 72.0% to tobramycin, 24.0% and 26.0% to ampicillin, 28.0% and 26.0% to chloramphenicol, 18.0% and 8.0% to tetracycline respectively. Comparison of the results of susceptibility by disc diffusion method and plate dilution method showed a tendency of slightly higher rate of susceptibility by the former method. Minimum inhibitory concentration of amikacin was 1~32㎍/㎖ against E. coli, but in other antibiotics remarkable difference was noted in minimum inhibitory concentrations. Some difference was noted in susceptibility of the same species depending on the source of isolation of organisms.
Comparison of Capillary Precipitation Method with Slide Agglutination Method in CRP Test
Jay Ryong Kim, Jay Sik Kim, Jung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):668-674.
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An investigation to evaluate the CRP test was performed as well as ESR with 77 cases of patient sera and 17 cases of normal controlsera. In CRP test, the capillary precipitation and slide agglutination methods were used. The positivity rate of capillary method and slide agglutination method were 50.6% and 39.0% respectively and the former appears to be more sensitive than the later. In 17 normal control sera, the capillary method revealed one case(5.9%) as positive while all cases were negative by slide agglutination method. Using another two-fold dilutions of 2+ reactive sera, the slide agglutination method showed reactivity up-to 1 : 128 and the capillary method up-to 1 : 4. In tuberculosis and malignancy, the results from the slide agglutination, capillary precipitation and ESR methods paralleled each other but not in other various diseases.
Time and Temperature Effect on Samples for Blood Gas Analysis
Hea Ran Park, Jung Hee Um, Kyung Eun Cheong, Myong Joon Cho
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):675-680.
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The effect of temperature, time of storage for arterial blood gas analysis was studied. The results were: 1) Those samples kept at 25℃ for 2 hours showed decreased pH and increased PCO2(P<0.05), but no considerable clinical meanings are recognized. Those samples kept at 4℃ or 0℃ showed no significant changes in pH and PCO2. 2) A significant change, decreasing the PO2 values, during the period, storage, was found and the decreasing rate of PO2 was greater in group, initial value high, than it low one, and such changes could lead to a clinically considerable error, stored at 25℃, beyond 15 minutes. 3) The changes of pH, PCO2 and PO2 during the first one hour of the experimental period were higher than that of the latter one hour. The effect of time delay on blood gas analysis can causes significant errors, especially in PO2 values. The results of these experiments suggest that unless the arterial blood samples are analyzed immediately after experiments suggest that unless the arterial blood samples are analyzed immediately after shedding, prompt icing of samples are optimal to minimize possible error in laboratory results.
A Comparative Study in Routine Urine for Visual and Chemical Testing Compared with Microscopic Examination
Ock Hwa Kim, Ok Kyung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):681-685.
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The examination of urine is the most common screening laboratory procedure utilized for the early detection of renal or urinary tract disease in asymtomatic subjects. The authors studied 1755 routine urine specimens for visual and chemical testing and then compared the results of groups with or without microscopic examination. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1) The most fregent positive finding in chemical testing is blood in urine with proteinuria, 79.9% of total. 2) Causes of the urinary turbidity under the microscope are due to pyuria, bacteriuria, and hematuria in order. 3) 3.97% of diagnostic yield is aquired when the urine sediment is examined under the microscope among negative groups for visual and chemical test of urines. In summary, routine microscopic examination of sediment results considerable low positivity among negative patients by routine visual and chemical test, and also the visual turbidity yield high positivity of microscopic examination.
Malignant Lymphomas in Ho-Nam Area
Kwang Min Lee, Dong Kyu Chung
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):686-698.
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A statistical analysis of Hodgkin's diseases and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas was carried out on the basis of histopathologic and clinical records of Presbyterian Medical Center during 17 years form 1964 to 1980. The total number of Hodgkin's diseases was 59 and that of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas was 282. 1) The ratio of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to Hodgkin's disease was 4.8:1. And the ratio of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to nodular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was 11:1. 2) The most frequent subclass of Hodgkin's disease was mixed cellularity type(35.6%). The most frequent subclass of nodular non Hodgkin's lymphoma was poorly differentiated lymphcytic type(41.7%), and that of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was mixed type(34.9%). 3) Over one half of Hodgkin's lymphomas were distributed in 4th, 5th and 7th decades. 4) The male to female ratio was 2.3:1. in Hodgkin's diseases and 2.2:1 in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. 5) In Hodgkin's disease, the frequently involved organs were cervical lymph nodes(81.4%), axillary lymph nodes(40.7%) and inguinal lymph nodes(27.1%) in order. But in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, those were cervical lymph nodes(75.5%), inguinal lymph nodes(33.7%) and axillary lymph nodes(27.7%). 6) Frequent chief complaints were palpable mass(86.4%) and gastrointestinal symptoms(20.0%) in Hodgkin's diseases, and palpable mass(78.0%), symptoms of ENT and eye(13.5%), gastrointestinal symptoms(12.1%) and pain(11.7%), in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
Experiences in U.K. National Q.C. Sheme for General Hematology
Hae Ran Moon, Kyou Sup Han, Myung Hee Lee, Myoung Hee Park, Han Ik Cho, Sang In Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):699-707.
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Our hematology laboratory has taken a part in U.K. National Quality Control Scheme for general hematology since 1978. We have participated in 20 trials, 22 trials, 2 trials, 8 trials in years of 1978, 1979, 1980 and 1981, respectively for full blood count. The blood specimen 2 of 20 in 1978, 7 of 22 in 1979 and 3 of 8 in 1981 were partly hemolysed. The mean /R/ value of hemoglobin was below two, which could be classified into a good to satisfactory results. There was no significant difference between data obtained from both routine and stat laboratories. In platelet count, the automated methods provided a better results than the manual technique. The reticulocyted count and iron, TIBC, transferrin determinations and WBC differential count provided excellent to satisfactory /R/ value. The most common cause of deviated results was hemolysis of the specimens.
A Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity Model of Gastric Ulcer in Rabbit
Woo Ho Kim, Yong Il Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):708-715.
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An experimental model of gastric peptic ulcer by means of cell-mediated hypersensitivity induced with low dose gastric application of 2, 4-dinitrochlorobenzene(DNCB) in the previously sensitized New Zealand white rabbit is presented. Animals were divided into 4 groups; 2 non-sensitized animals with gastric application of DNCB(group I), 7 sensitized animals with gastric application of DNCB(group II and III), and 1 sensitized animal with colonic application of DNCB(group IV). In group I were only superficial and mild erosive changes of gastric mucosa, wherease in group II and III, 2 animals developed typical peptic ulcer in association with features of chronic gastritis and stereotypic area gastricae. The latter gastritic changes with early superficial peptic digestion were also demonstrable in the rests. No gastric mucosal changes were seen in group IV. It is assumed that type IV hypersensitivity reaction(Cell-mediated hypersensitivity) on gastric mucosa is responsible for the development of gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis, being useful as an experimental model of gastric ulcer. The applicability of this model to human stomach and reasons for the limited development of peptic ulcer were discussed.
The Diagnostic Value of Serum GGT Activity in Hepatobiliary Disease
Dong Seok Jeon, Kyung Sun Kim, Jay Silk Kim, Jyung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):716-723.
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The diagnostic value of GGT was evaluated in patients with various hepatobiliary diseases. The sensitivity of serum GGT in suspected hepatobiliary diseases was 81.5%. ALP, AST, and ALT were elevated in 60.0%, 84.2% and 69.7% respectively. 69.7% in GGT, 46.7% in ALP, 69.8% in AST, and 66.0% in ALT were above twice of normal range. Each one case of acute hepatitis and cirrhosis showed only GGT elevation without elevations of other three enzymes. The number of cases with only AST or ALT elevation was one in each, but there was no case with ALP elevation alone. The mean values of normal control and hepatobiliary disease group were 21.2 U/L and 198.8 U/L. The highest level of serum GGT was found in fatty liver with a mean of 376.0 U/L, and in alcoholism with 188.0 U/L. The mean values of GGT in acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, obstructive jaudnice and metastatic carcinoma were 149.2, 140.4, 132.8, 160.4 and 134.5 U/L respectively. The values of above 5 groups were uncontributory in distinguishing between different types of hepatobiliary disease. The mean value of GGT was compared with other enzymes. GGT was markedly elevated in hepatoma, metastatic carcinoma, fatty liver, and alcoholism and was frequently elevated in chronic hepatitis, hepatoma, fatty liver, and alcoholism. In cirrhosis and hepatoma GGT was significantly correlated with AST but with ALP and ALT.
Proteinuria : Comparison of Dipstick Assays and Sulfosalicylic Acid Method
Kyung Eun Cheong, Hae Ran Park, Jung Hee Um, Myong Joon Cho
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):724-729.
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We studied and compared results of three types of urine dipsticks and the sulfosalicylic acid method using samples supplemented with various proteins. Dipsticks yield accurate results when the protein under consideration is stricted to albumin: the sulfosaliylic acid method responds to the total amount of urine protein. The sensitivities of the three types of dipsticks toward albumin are similar and are very close to the values indicated by the manufactures. The changes of urinary pH affect each of methods, but changes in slat concentration only affect results by dipstick assays. Addition of preservatives to urine samples were produced erroneous results both dipstick assays and sulfosalicylic acid method, but the refrigerated urine samples were not affected by each methods.
Antibiotic Susceptibility of Gram-negative Bacilli Isolated from Clinical Materials in 1981
Jae Ryong Kim, Kyung Sun Kim, Jay Sik Kim, Jyung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):730-740.
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The authors performed the antibiotic susceptibility test against randomly selected 13 gram negative bacilli isolated from various specimens at clinical pathology laboratory. Fifty strains of K. pneumoniae, thirty strains of P. aeruginosa and twenty-five strains of Salmonella group A and Shigella subgroup B in each, totally 130 strains were tested. Sixty percent of K. pneumoniae, were isolated from urine, forty-three point three percent of P. aeruginosa were from pus, fifty six percent of Salmonella group A were from blood and one hundred percent of Shigella subgroup B were from stool. By disc diffusion method, the K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa were sensitive to Amikacin(AMK), the Salmonella group A were sensitive to the Amikacin(AMK), Ampkicillin(AMP), Cephalothin(CEP), Chloramphenicol(CAM), Gentamicin(GAM) and Tobramycin(TOB), the Shigella subgroup B were sensitive to Amikacin(AMK), Cephalothin(CEP), Gentamicin(GAM) and Tobramycin(TOB). By agar dilution method, the K. pneumoniae and P. Salmonella group A were sensitive to Amikacin(AMK), Ampicillin(AMP), Cephalothin(CEP), Gentamicin(GAM) and Tobramycin(TOB) and the Shigella subgroup were sensitive to Amikacin(AMK), Gentamicin(GAM) and Tobramycin(TOB). By agar dilution method, the most of cases of antibiotic susceptibility to pathogens except some Salmonella group A and Shigella subgroup B show tendency of wide range of MIC from 1.0㎍/㎖ to over 256㎍/㎖. On comparison of numbers of sensitive species strains by disc diffusion and agar dilution methods, most of the antibiotics except Tetracycline(TET) show relative linearity in sensitivity but in general, the disc diffusion appeared to be showing more numbers of sensitive strains than the agar dilution methods. On correlation of sensitivity between isolated bacteria from various specimen and antibiotics, the strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from urine showed a tendency of resitancy to Ampickllin(AMP), Chloramphenicol(CAM) and Tetracycline(TET), the strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from pus and ear discharge showed a tendency of sensitivity to Ampikacin(AMK), the most strains of Salmonella group A and Shigella subgroup B isolated from various clinical materials were sensitive to all antibiotics except Tetracycline(TET) in Salmonella group A and Amplicillin(AMP), Chloramphenical(CAM) and Tetracycline(TET) in Shigella subgroup B.
A Light and Electron Microscopic Study on Effect of Korean Blended Alcohol upon the Small Intestines
Chan Kum Park, Kook Hwae Koo
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):741-744.
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With an increase of alcohol consumption, the occurrence of corresponding alimentary disorder has been steadily increased. Some investigators reported that alcohol is a calorie substitute predisposing malnutrition, while others have described alcohol as a gastroenteric toxin. Thus, the pathogenesis of alcoholic alimentary tract injury has not been settled yet. This study was conducted anatopathologically to evaluate the effect of alcohol upon the jejunum. Sixty healthy Spraque-Dawley rats weighing about 200gm were used for this experiment and divided into the following two groups. 1) Control group fed basic diet for 20 days. 2) Alcohol administered group given 40% of alcohol for 20 days. The basic diet was nutritionally composed of adequate solid diet, and each rat was administered orally 20~25gm of basic diet per day. Control group was administered basic diet with 20㎖ of normal saline. Alcohol administered group was given orally 20㎖ of alcohol instead of normal saline in addition to basic diet. The results obtained from this experiment were as follows; Light microscopically, jejunal villi were mildy atrophied in alcohol administered group. Electron microscopic study revealed a number of ultrastructural alterations such as mitochondrial abnormalities, vesiculation of Golgi apparatus, and increased fuzzy material above the micro villi. Disruption of Cristae, formation of clear spaces and myelin figures or increased cytoplasmic lipid droplets were also observed in the jejunal villi.
The Distrubution of Histochemical Fiber Types in the Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscles of the Rat
Chang Soo Park, Soon Pal Suh, Joo Yong Yoo
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):745-752.
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This study was designed to investigate regional histochemical fiber composition of the rat skeletal muscle. The stains for sections of the Extensor Digitorum Longus muscle are H&E, trichrome, PAS, SDH and myosin-ATPase. Regional proportions of the fiber types were classified along the superficial to deep and medial to lateral axis. The results obtained are as follows. 1) Distribution of three fiber types(S, I and W fibers) classified by periodic acid Schiff reaction showed little or no difference. 2) Extensor Digitorum Longus muscle was composed of three fiber types (Type I, IIA and IIB fibers) which can be differentiated by staining for myosin-ATPase and SDH. Type IIA fibers were increased in the deep and medial area. Type IIB and I fibers were abundant in the superficial and lateral area.
A Histological Analysis of the Polyps in a Familial Juvenile Colonic Polyposis
Kwang Min Lee, Soon Pal Suh*, Chang Soo Park*, Sang Woo Juhng*, Joo Yong Yoo*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):753-762.
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A histopathologic analysis of the 294 polyps in a proctocolectomy specimen from a 21-year-old male patient was performed. Evaluating the locations, sizes, growth patterns and neoplastic changes of the polyps, the following results were obtained. 1) Of the total 294 polyps, 79(26.9%) were hyperplastic ones and 215(73.1%) were juvenile ones. The juvenile polyps were mixed focally with hyperplastic component, adenomatous component, or villous component. The polyps mixed with neoplastic components(adenomatous or villous component) were 28 of 215 juvenile polyps. 2) The most of polyps(206;70.1%) were crowded in the rectosigmoid region, but a considerable number of polyps(44;15.0%) were identified in the cecum. Others were scattered in the ascending colon(25;8.5%), descending colon(12;4.1), and the transverse colon(7;2.4%). 3) The average size of the juvenile polyps was larger than that of hyperplastic ones. The neoplastic changes in the juvenile polyps were seen more frequently in the larger polyps and in the pedunculated and multilobulated ones. 4) In consideration of the neoplastic changes, the juvenile polyps were regarded as preneoplastic lesions which could evolve adenomatous or villous polyps.
Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Twin -Case report-
Hye Soo Lee, Ho Yeul Choi, Sook Ja Park*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1982;16(4):763-768.
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The mechanism of leukemogenesis in man is unknown, but inciting agents as well established. The strongest evidence for a genetic predisposition to acute leukemia is the occurrence of disease in paris of identical twin. The authors report the cases of acute myeloid leukemia in a pair of male twin, the first at 21-month-old and the second at 23-month-old, with the review of the literatures.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine