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Let Archived Paraffin Blocks Be Utilized for Research with Waiver of Informed Consent
Yong-Jin Kim, Jeong Sik Park, Karam Ko, Chang Rok Jeong
J Pathol Transl Med. 2018;52(3):141-147.   Published online April 5, 2018
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Advances in biomedical and genetic research have contributed to more effective public health improvement via bench-to-bed research and the emergence of personalized medicine. This has certainly showcased the importance of archived human tissues, especially paraffin-embedded blocks in pathology. Currently in Korea, undue legislative regulations of the Bioethics and Safety Act suspend and at times discourage studies from taking place. In this paper, the authors underline the value of paraffin blocks in the era of personalized and translational medicine. We discuss detailed clauses regarding the applicability of paraffin blocks from a legal perspective and compare Korea’s regulations with those of other countries. The necessity for allowing waived consent and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval will be argued throughout. The authors suggest that researchers declare the following to obtain IRB approval and waiver of informed consents: research could not be practically carried out without a waiver of consent; the proposed research presents no more than minimal risk of harm to subjects, and the waiver of consent will not adversely affect the rights and welfare of subjects; and research will not utilize a tissue block if only 1 is available for each subject, to allow future clinical use such as re-evaluation or further studies.


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    Yong-Jin Kim, Chang Rok Jeong, Jeong Sik Park
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Review Article
Legal and Ethical Consideration in the Use of Human Biological Material.
Youngjoon Ryu, Bongkyung Shin, Baek Hui Kim, Aeree Kim, Hankyeom Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2010;44(2):111-116.
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Traditionally, pathologists have used human biological material primarily for diagnostic purposes. More recently, advances in biomedical technology and changes in the research environment have placed new demands on pathologists and their handling of human materials. Moreover, these technological advances have required pathologists to be not only experts in diagnosis, but also managers of biobanks storing human biological material. Consequently, pathologists might now be confronted with unanticipated legal and ethical questions. We investigated seven examples of South Korean legislation concerning human biological material, including "The Bioethics and Safety Act" (2005), and we considered possible conflicts of interest between donors and researchers. We also reviewed international bioethical guidelines and legal precedents from several countries with special regard to pathologic glass slides, paraffin blocks, remaining specimens and other guidelines. We conclude that a better understanding of the legal and ethical questions concerning human biological material leads pathologists to safer and more conscientious management of these samples.


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  • Proposal for the development of a human biological material management system for research hospitals
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    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2012; 55(3): 292.     CrossRef

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine