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Brief Case Report
Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma of the Renal Pelvis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Hyein Ahn, Jongmin Sim, Hyunsung Kim, Kijong Yi, Hulin Han, Yumin Chung, Abdul Rehman, Seung Sam Paik
Korean J Pathol. 2014;48(6):458-461.   Published online December 31, 2014
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    World Journal of Clinical Cases.2020; 8(4): 771.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Evaluation of cytopathologic diagnosis of lung carcinoma.
In Ae Park, Eui Keun Ham
Korean J Cytopathol. 1991;2(1):20-27.
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In order to evaluate the role of cytopathologic diagnosis of sputum, bronchial washing and bronchial brushing in the diagnosis of lung cancer, we performed this study. The patients included in this study had undergone sputum, bronchial washing and brushing cytology over the 20-month period of 1985 through 1987. The total number of specimens was 5,495 of 2,242 patients, including 4,830 sputa and 665 bronchial washing and brushings. The average number of sputa and bronchial washings and brushings per case was 2.4 and 1.2 respectively. Among them, about 10% were unsatisfactory specimen, and three-fourths were negative specimens. In sputum cytology, the diagnosis of "atypical cells" was given to 3%, "suspicious for malignancy" was given to 1 %, and "malignancy" was given to 13%. In bronchial washing and brushing cytology, the diagnosis of "atypical cells", "suspicious for malignancy" and malignancy" was given to 6%, 3%, and 20% respectively. The cases diagnosed as "atypical cells" in cytology were actually malignancy in 95% and 84.8% of sputum and bronchial washing and brushings respectively, and the "suspicious for malignancy" were actually malignancy in 100% in both methods. The detection rates of malignancy were 50.4% and 55.2% in sputum and bronchial washing and brushing respectively, and the specificity was 100% in both methods. The accuracy of cell typing was 92% in sputum and 89.7% in bronchial washing and brushing.
Case Reports
Bronchial Brushing Cytologic Finding of Primary Pulmonary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Misinterpretated as Small Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report with Literature Review.
Hyun Jung Kim, Sangbong Choi, Jieun Kwon, Jeong Yeon Kim, Kyeongmee Park
Korean J Pathol. 2011;45(4):441-444.
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An adenoid cystic carcinoma is a very rare primary pulmonary neoplasm. Bronchial washing and brushing cytological findings of pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma have rarely been described. Here, we report the bronchial brushing cytological findings of an adenoid cystic carcinoma, finally diagnosed in a 71-year-old female patient. The low-power view showed moderate cellularity and cohesive clusters of small to medium-sized cells. The high-power view revealed distinct nuclear moldings, a coarse chromatin pattern, and inconspicuous nucleoli, which was favorable to a diagnosis of small cell carcinoma. However, apoptotic bodies, nuclear debris, and mitoses were not seen frequently. The bronchial biopsy showed solid, trabecular, and cribriform patterns in small cells. Periodic acid Schiff staining disclosed globular basement membrane-like materials, and the immunohistochemical staining revealed the presence of myoepithelial cell components, strongly suggestive of a salivary gland type tumor, compatible with an adenoid cystic carcinoma. In this report, we describe the exfoliative cytological features of a pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma with emphasis on some diagnostic pitfalls.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Bronchial cytology of pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma – A multi-institute series with emphasis on immunocytochemistry
    Joanna K.M. Ng, Ka Pang Chan, Gary M. Tse, Joshua J.X. Li
    Annals of Diagnostic Pathology.2023; 64: 152132.     CrossRef
  • Comprehensive Cytomorphologic Analysis of Pulmonary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: Comparison to Small Cell Carcinoma and Non-pulmonary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
    Seokhwi Kim, Jinah Chu, Hojoong Kim, Joungho Han
    Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine.2015; 49(6): 511.     CrossRef
Cytopathologic Features of Primary Bronchial Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: A Case Report.
Ji Shin Lee, Jong Soon Kim, Bok Sook Yang, Min Cheol Lee, Chang Soo Park, Sang Woo Juhng
Korean J Cytopathol. 1995;6(1):67-70.
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Adenoid cystic carcinoma arising from the submucosal glands of the trachea and bronchial tree is rare. The histopathology and natural history of bronchial adenoid cystic carcinoma have been well documented, but detailed descriptions of its cytomor- phology are few. We report a case of primary bronchial adenoid cystic carcinoma in a 20-year-old female, diagnosed by bronchial brushing cytology. The cytologic specimens showed large clusters of small cells arranged around cystlike spaces containing globular basophilic material.
Cytopathologic Features of Adenoid Cystic of Trachea Carcinoma: Report of 2 Cases.
Young Mee Cho, So Young Park, In Chul Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1995;6(2):214-218.
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Cytopathologic findings of two cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea are reported. The carcinomas grew as a intratracheal mass. By bronchial washing, brushing and/ or post-bronchoscopic sputum cytology, large cohesive sheets, lobulated clusters, or three dimensional ball-like structures were obtained. They had numerous cyst-like spaces containing characteristic globular basophilic material. The tumor cells were uniform and had a small amount of cytoplasm. Nuclei were small and hyperchromatic. Nucleoli were occasionally observed. The cytological diagnosis was confirmed by bronchoscopic biopsies.
Original Article
Diagnostic Application of p53 IMMUNOSTAINING in Bronchial Brush Specimens.
Sang Sook Lee, Ji Yeon Bae, Yu Na Kang, Young Rok Cho, Si Nam Kim, Nam Jo Park, Seun Young Kim, Jung Hi Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1996;7(2):163-168.
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Abnormalities of p53 gene are common in lung cancers and are associated with immunologically detectable p53 protein. p53 immunoreactivity is uncommon in normal cells but is frequently seen in neoplasia. Therefore, assessment of p53 expression may assist in the cytological diagnosis of malignancy. The usefulness of p53 immunostaining as a marker of malignancy in the cytological analysis of bronchial brush specimens from the patients with lung cancers was investigated in this study. A total of 71 bronchial brush samples submitted for cytologic diagnosis were immunostained with D07, a monoclonal antibody to recombinant p53 protein.
ant p53 data were correlated with cytologic diagnosis and clinical information. Of the 17 smears with a benign cytodiagnosis, all were p53 negative. Of the 40 cases with a malignant cytodiagnosis(histologically confirmed), 35 were p53 positive and 5 were negative. Of the 14 cases that were cytologically suspicious but nondiagnostic for malignancy, 11 were p53 positive, 9 of which were subsequently proved to be malignant by histologic examination, and the remaining 2 cases were tuberculosis clinically. Forty four of 51 histologically confirmed lung carcinomas were p53 positive, including 25 of 28 squamous cell carcinomas, 13 of 17 small cell carcinomas, 3 of 3 adeno- carcinomas, and 3 of 3 large cell undifferentiated carcinomas. These results suggest that p53 immunostaining could be of value as a marker of malignancy in the cytologic examination of bronchial brush specimens. Furthermore, we have shown the possible clinical utility of p53 immunostaining in cytopathological diagnosis, that is, as a valuable adjunct to morphological assessment in the analysis of cytopathologically suspicious cases.
Case Report
Bronchial Brushing and Bronchial Washing Cytologic Features of Primary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Lung: A Case Report .
Mi Ok Park, Wook Su Ahn
Korean J Cytopathol. 1999;10(2):151-155.
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A case of primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma(MFH) of the lung occurring in a 62-year-old man is presented. After preoperative bronchial brushing and washing cytologic diagnosis of poorly differentiated carcinoma, surgical resection and lymph nodes dissection were performed. Subsequent histologic examination revealed a primary MFH. The diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopic and immunohistochemical examinations. The review of the bronchial brushing and washing cytologic features disclosed many bipolar and a few unipolar spindle tumor cells with a "comet" configuration, mainly single cells, but also forming loose clusters. The nuclei were elongated and hyperchromatic and contained one or more irregular nucleoli. Scattered bizarre, multinucleated tumor giant cells were also present.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine