Testen Sie Ihr Fachwissen C. S. L. Müller Aktuelle Dermatologie.2021; 47(05): 194. CrossRef
Intratubular large cell hyalinising Sertoli-cell neoplasia: a rare entity associated with Peutz–Jeghers syndrome Safaa Asmandar, Miguel Reyes Múgica, Sabah Boudjemaa Pathology.2020; 52(6): 712. CrossRef
A Hard Ball for a Tennis Player: A Rare Case of Large Calcifying Sertoli Cell Testicular Tumor Simone Albisinni, Ibrahim Biaou, Fouad Aoun, Romain Diamand, Ksenija Limani, Alexandre Peltier, Roland van Velthoven, Eric Hawaux Urology Case Reports.2017; 13: 55. CrossRef