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Tumor Sprouting in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Is Correlated with Lymph Node Metastasis and Recurrence
Eunjung Lee, Wonkyung Jung, Jeong-Soo Woo, Jae Bok Lee, Bong Kyung Shin, Han Kyeom Kim, Aeree Kim, Baek-hui Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2014;48(2):117-125.   Published online April 28, 2014
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Identification of poor prognostic factors in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) patients is important for the patients' care and follow-up. We can sometimes see small tumor clusters without desmoplasia and no evidence of lymphatic emboli around the main tumor mass of PTC. We termed this form of tumor clustering, 'tumor sprouting,' and determined whether these tumors correlate with lymphovascular invasion, lymph node metastasis, and recurrence.


We analyzed a total of 204 cases of papillary thyroid macrocarcinoma. Number, size and distance from the main tumor of the tumor sprouting were observed and analyzed with clinicopathologic characteristics.


Tumor sprouting was observed in 101 patients. Presence of tumor sprouting was significantly associated with positive resection margin (p=.002), lymphovascular invasion (p=.001), lymph node metastasis (p<.001), and recurrence (p=.004). Univariate analysis of recurrence-free survival revealed that tumor multiplicity (p=.037), positive resection margin (p=.007), lymphovascular invasion (p=.004), lymph node metastasis (p<.001), and tumor sprouting (p=.004) were poor prognostic factors. In multivariate analysis, positive resection margin was an independent poor prognostic factor of recurrence.


In conclusion, tumor sprouting is significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis and recurrence. Evaluation of tumor sprouting in PTC patients could be helpful in predicting tumor recurrence or lymph node metastasis.


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The Correlation between the Proliferative Activity in Biopsied Specimen of Gastric Adenocarcinoma and the Pathologic Findings of Resected Specimen.
Hye Sun Kim, Jae Bok Lee, Se Min Kim, Jong Sang Choi, Han Kyeom Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1997;31(3):211-218.
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Studies on the correlation between proliferative activity of biopsied specimen and pathologic findings of resected specimen have been carried out to find the prognostic factors. To estimate the proliferative activity, 100 cases of biopsied specimen of gastric adenocarcinoma were tested for the PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and the AgNOR (argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region) by the immunohistochemical and histochemical stainings, respectively. The resected tumors classified by histologic type, differentiation, depth of invasion, and nodal metastatic status were followed by cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. The PCNA LI (labelling index) were higher in well or moderately differentiated tumors (P<0.01) than the poorly differentiated ones and the aneuploid tumors (P<0.05) more than in diploid ones. However, there were no correlations among histologic types, depth of invasion, nodal metastatic status and PCNA LI. The AgNOR counts were higher in advanced tumor than in the EGC (early gastric cancer) (P<0.01). In cases with nodal metastasis, most of them showed the AgNOR counts higher than those without nodal metastasis. There were no correlations between the AgNOR counts and the DNA ploidy, histologic type, or differentiation. High PCNA LI and high AgNOR counts were shown in cases with advanced tumors (P=0.000) and nodal metastasis (P<0.05). No correlation was shown with the histologic type or differentiation. The results show that proliferative activity of the biopsied specimen of gastric adenocarcinoma is correlated with the differentiation and the invasion depth of resected specimen. Especially, better correlation is obtained by analyzing both the PCNA LI and the AgNOR counts than by analyzing each.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine