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Clinicopathologic Study of Chromosomal Aberrations in Gastric Lymphomas of Korean Patients.
Wook Youn Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Hyoungsuk Ko, Young A Kim, Yoon Kyung Jeon, Chul Woo Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2009;43(1):5-12.
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The incidence and clinical correlation of MALT1 translocation and numerical aberrations in Korean gastric MALT lymphoma patients have been rarely reported. We studied the incidence and clinicopathologic relationship of these chromosomal aberrations in Korean gastric lymphomas.
Seventy-six gastric lymphomas, which consisted of 40 low grade MALT lymphoma, 4 high grade MALT lymphoma and 32 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cases, were analyzed for the detection of t(11;18) API2-MALT1, t(14;18) IgH-MALT1 and aneuploidies of chromosomes 3 or 18 using fluorescence in situ hybridization.
The t(11;18) was demonstrated in 3 low grade MALT lymphomas (7.5%) and one DLBCL, which was associated with advanced stage, deeper invasion, and disease progression or relapse. The t(14;18) was demonstrated in none of these cases. Trisomy 3 and 18 were detected in 8 (11%) and 11 of 76 cases (12.5%) respectively, and found only in translocation-negative cases. Two of 4 high grade MALT lymphomas showed trisomy 18. All patients survived with successful second treatment after progression or relapse.
The t(11;18) API2-MALT1 was not quite frequent in Korean low grade gastric MALT lymphomas and was associated with advanced clinical situations. Overall prognosis was good for long-term follow-up regardless of progression or relapse.


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  • Clinicopathologic Study of Chromosomal Aberrations in Ocular Adnexal Lymphomas of Korean Patients
    Hokyung Choung, Young A Kim, Namju Kim, Min Joung Lee, Sang In Khwarg
    Korean Journal of Ophthalmology.2015; 29(5): 285.     CrossRef
Primary MALT(mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) Type Lymphoma of the Liver.
Do Youn Park, Jee Yeon Kim, Hyo Jeong Chae, Jin Sook Lee, Chang Hun Lee, Mee Young Sol, Kang Suek Suh, Sun Kyung Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1997;31(12):1317-1319.
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Primary non-Hodgkin' lymphomas of the liver, an organ normally devoid of a native lymphoid tissue, are very rare. We recently experienced a case of a primary low-grade hepatic B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type in a 36-year-old woman. The ultrasonography revealed a 5 cm sized mass in the right lobe of the liver. A right segmentectomy of the liver was done and showed a relatively well-circumscribed brownish yellow lobulated homogenous mass, measuring 5.5x4.5 cm in size. Histologic sections of liver mass revealed large lymphoid follicles with reactive germinal centers, follicular colonization by centrocyte-like cells (CCL cells), and lymphoepithelial lesions. The CCL cells were positive for B-cell (CD20), LCA (CD45RA), Bcl-2 oncoprotein, and lambda light chain.
Case Report
Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma.
Yoon Ju Kim, Sung Sook Paeng, Hee Jin Chang, Jung Il Suh
Korean J Pathol. 1998;32(11):1035-1038.
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Malignant lymphoma arising from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) represents distinct clinicopathologic features and remains localized for prolonged periods. We report a case of low grade B cell lymphoma of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT). A 60-year-old female had a long-standing cough, sputum and intermittent fever for 10 years. In 1984, the chest radiography showed increased hazy density in both upper lungs. Although she had been treated by antituberculous medication under clinical diagnosis, there was no improvement. In 1995, open lung biopsy was carried out. Histologically, it showed massive nodular or diffuse infiltration of centrocyte-like cells in bronchus and parenchyme with pleural invasion. On immunohistochemical stain, they were positive for LN-2 and L26 and negative for UCHL-1, LN-1 and LN-3. In polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Ig heavy chain gene rearrangement was detected. The patient was well for 6 months after the biopsy.
Original Article
Classification of Gastrointestinal B-cell Lymphoma and Expression of Cyclin D1, bcl-2, bcl-6, p53 Protein and PCNA.
Ji Han Jung, An Hee Lee, Chang Suk Kang, Byung Kee Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2000;34(6):437-445.
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Until recently, the gastrointestinal lymphomas were classified according to the criteria developed for the node-based lymphomas. In recent years, the REAL classification provided a new category of MALT lymphoma and Mantle cell lymphoma in B-cell lymphomas. Low-grade MALT lymphomas have been well characterized clinically, histologically, and immunophenotypically. We retrospectively recategorized 41 cases of the primary gastrointestinal B-cell lymphoma and investigated the expression of cyclin D1, bcl-2, bcl-6, p53 protein, and PCNA by immunohistochemical method. The cases were categorized in 5 groups, low grade MALToma, low/high grade MALToma, high grade MALToma, diffuse large cell lymphoma, and mantle cell lymphoma according to the morphological findings. The expression of cyclin D1 protein was restricted to the cases of mantle cell lymphoma. The bcl-2 protein expression was higher in the low grade MALT lymphoma than in the high grade lymphoma (P=0.006). The bcl-2 protein expression was higher in the low grade area than in the high grade area in the low/high grade MALT lymphoma (P=0.005). The bcl-6 and p53 protein expression was higher in the high grade MALT lymphoma than in the low grade lymphoma (P=0.022, P<0.018). However, the bcl-6 protein expression of the tumor cells was higher in high grade area than in low grade area in the low/high grade MALT lymphoma (P=0.004). The degree of the PCNA expression was positively correlated with the grade of the malignant lymphoma (P=0.003). The above results suggest that the cellular proliferation assessed by PCNA index correlates with the histologic grade. And the bcl-2, bcl-6, p53 protein may be effective in the transition from the low grade MALT lymphoma to the high grade lymphoma. Therefore, we can differentiate the low grade lymphoma from the high grade lymphoma by the immunohistochemical staining for cyclin D1, bcl-2, bcl-6, p53 protein and can predict the prognosis of the patients in accordance with the grade of the tumor.
Case Report
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytologic Findings of Thyroid Lymphoma: Report of Two Cases.
Hye Kyung Lee, Jong Min Lee, Chang Suk Kang
Korean J Cytopathol. 2002;13(1):33-37.
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We report two different types of thyroid lymphoma associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Both showed autoantibodies and were compatible with Hashimoto's thyroiditis according to their clinical backgrounds. A 76-year-old female noted a painless, rapidly growing mass in her neck which was diagnosed as diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, large cell type, after the fine needle aspiration cytology of the thyroid. She underwent chemo-radiotherapy and is free of the disease 10 months after diagnosis. The other patient, a 73-year-old female with a diffuse goiter, was diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology as having Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Three years later she developed a hard nodular growth in the both lobes of the thyroid. This was subjected to fine needle aspiration cytology and needle biopsy and was diagnosed as a MALT lymphoma. She refused any treatment and died 12 months after the diagnosis.
Original Articles
Clinicopathologic Analysis of Lymphocytic Gastritis.
Jeong Eun Hwang, Young Ok Hong, Dong Eun Song, Se Jin Jang, Eunsil Yu
Korean J Pathol. 2007;41(5):289-295.
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Lymphocytic gastritis (LG) is defined as an infiltration of more than 25 intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) per 100 surface epithelial cells, and the histological differential diagnosis of LG and residual mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma can be difficult. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is regarded as one of the possible causes of LG, but its clinicopathologic features of LG have not been clarified in Korea, which has a much higher prevalence of H. pylori infection than Western countries. We analyzed the clinicopathologic findings of LG in Korean patients and compared the cytologic findings of IELs of LG with those of MALT lymphoma.
Sixty six cases of LG and 59 cases of MALT lymphoma were selected and clinicopathologic features were analyzed.
Eighteen cases (27.3%) of LG were found to be associated with H. pylori infection. The IELs in LG were found to diffusely and regularly infiltrate in the epithelium, but MALT lymphoma showed patchy IELs. IELs in LG and MALT lymphoma were CD 8+T lymphocytes and CD20+B lymphocytes, respectively. The mean nuclear size of IELs in LG was 4.37 micrometer, which was significantly smaller than those in MALT lymphoma (5.19 micrometer).
LG, a rare variant of chronic gastritis is partly associated with H. pylori infection and more complex unknown causative factors. In addition to the immunophenotyping, the nuclear sizes of IELs can be helpful in the differential diagnosis of LG and residual MALT lymphoma.
Lymphoproliferativ Lesions of the Orbit and Conjunctiva: Histopathologic Study on 20 cases including 5 cases analyzed by Immunophenotyping.
Chul Woo Kim, Na Hye Myong, Je G Chi
Korean J Pathol. 1993;27(2):152-163.
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Lymphoid lesions of the orbit and conjunctiva may be divided histologically into three groups: monomorphous and cytologically atypical malignant lymphomas, benign reactive follicular hyperplasia or inflammatory pseudotumor, and borderline lymphoid lesions mainly composed of small, non-atypical lymphocytes with or without evidence of plasmacytic differentiation or germinal centers which are difficult to clarify its nature by histologic criteria alone. From 1984 to 1992 at Seoul National University Hospital, 20 cases of orbital lymphoid infiltrates were reviewed to find out histopathologic characteristics of malignant lymphomas and try to classify them properly. Also, we sought histologic findings helpful for differential diagnosis between malignant and borderline cases. Histologic examination of malignant lesions usually revealed the features of low-grade B cell lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT) origin, which predominantly consist of centrocyte-like(CCL) cells. Among 13 primary orbital lymphomas, six cases were classified as MALT lymphomas of Isaacson, six were more apt to be the type of immunocytoma by kiel classification, and remaining one showed mixed pattern of both types in areas. The one case of malignant lymphoma with diffuse large cell type was confirmed by secondary involvement of intestinal lymphoma. Five cases were confirmed by immunoglobulin k-light chain monoclonality on flow cytometry and immunofluorescence study. The histologic findings such as Dutcher bodies, hemosiderin, deposits and polykaryocytes tended to be more frequently encountered in malignant lymphoma rather than indeterminate lesions and were thought to be helpful ones in making differential diagnosis between malignant and benign lesions. With above findings, we assume that the principal neoplastic cells in the low grade lymphoma arising in the orbit and conjunctiva are CCL cells, which might be originated from the localized memory B cells, and also several kinds of B lymphocytes in on-going differentiation stages such as medium-sized monocytoid B cell, lymphoplasmacytoid cell, plasma cell, and mature small lymphocyte also contribute to the tumor progression.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine