Cutaneous myoepithelial neoplasms and papillary eccrine adenomas (PEA) are rare conditions. Malignant tumors within a PEA are even rarer, with only one case reported to date.
Herein, we present an extremely rare case of a cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma arising in a PEA in a 70-year-old man presenting a solid mass in the left buttock.
Histopathologically, most of the resected tumor revealed features consistent with the diagnosis of PEA. Some small nests and nodules were intermixed with the PEA and were present adjacent to the PEA. The tumor cells of nests and nodules showed ovoid to spindle shaped nuclei and slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, they were positive for both epithelial and myogenic markers, consistent with myoepithelioma. An inguinal lymph node with a metastatic lesion showed the same findings of myoepithelioma despite inconspicuous atypia. Our case showed malignant transformation of the myoepithelial cells at the outermost layers of the PEA.
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Papillary eccrine adenoma associated with syringocystadenoma papilliferum Neha Meena, PrafullaKumar Sharma, Sawan Kumar, Minakshi Bhardwaj Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology.2018; 84(3): 322. CrossRef
Pleural fluid metastases of myoepithelial carcinoma: A case report and review of the literature Alicia Calderon Bhambra, Yanhong Zhang, Eric C. Huang, John Bishop, Mahan Matin, Alaa Afify CytoJournal.2016; 13: 13. CrossRef
Herein reported were three cases of papillary eccrine adenoma also called as tubular apocrine adenoma, characterized by dilated ducts containing eosinophilic secretion or kerain and intraluminal papillations. Case 1. A 23 year old male had a well defined erythematous nodule, measuring 1x1 cm. On the ankle of right leg over ten years.
Clinical impression was dermatofibroma. Microscopic features were those of papillary ecrine adenoma. Case 2. A 53 year old female had a well demarcated dermal nodule, measuring 1.5x1 cm. On the buttock. Cut surface exhibited relatively well circumscribed tumor with yellowish brown color, Microscopic features were those of papillary eccrine adenoma with alcian blue positive materials in their lumens. Case 3.
A 22 year old female had a showly growing hard painless small bean sized nodule at the metatarsal head area of right sole, measuring 2.3x1.8x0.7 cm. Clinical impression was calcinosis cutis. Microscopic features were those of papillary eccrine adenoma with foreign body granuloma and dystrophic calcification.