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4 "Trisomy"
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Clinicopathologic Study of Chromosomal Aberrations in Gastric Lymphomas of Korean Patients.
Wook Youn Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Hyoungsuk Ko, Young A Kim, Yoon Kyung Jeon, Chul Woo Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2009;43(1):5-12.
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The incidence and clinical correlation of MALT1 translocation and numerical aberrations in Korean gastric MALT lymphoma patients have been rarely reported. We studied the incidence and clinicopathologic relationship of these chromosomal aberrations in Korean gastric lymphomas.
Seventy-six gastric lymphomas, which consisted of 40 low grade MALT lymphoma, 4 high grade MALT lymphoma and 32 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cases, were analyzed for the detection of t(11;18) API2-MALT1, t(14;18) IgH-MALT1 and aneuploidies of chromosomes 3 or 18 using fluorescence in situ hybridization.
The t(11;18) was demonstrated in 3 low grade MALT lymphomas (7.5%) and one DLBCL, which was associated with advanced stage, deeper invasion, and disease progression or relapse. The t(14;18) was demonstrated in none of these cases. Trisomy 3 and 18 were detected in 8 (11%) and 11 of 76 cases (12.5%) respectively, and found only in translocation-negative cases. Two of 4 high grade MALT lymphomas showed trisomy 18. All patients survived with successful second treatment after progression or relapse.
The t(11;18) API2-MALT1 was not quite frequent in Korean low grade gastric MALT lymphomas and was associated with advanced clinical situations. Overall prognosis was good for long-term follow-up regardless of progression or relapse.


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  • Clinicopathologic Study of Chromosomal Aberrations in Ocular Adnexal Lymphomas of Korean Patients
    Hokyung Choung, Young A Kim, Namju Kim, Min Joung Lee, Sang In Khwarg
    Korean Journal of Ophthalmology.2015; 29(5): 285.     CrossRef
Abnormal Development and Apoptosis Observed in Brains of the Trisomy 16 Mouse.
Eun youn Cho, Yeon Lim Suh, Je Geun Chi
Korean J Pathol. 1999;33(8):570-580.
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We have studied morphologic characteristics and apoptosis on the fetal brain of the trisomy 16 mouse, a model for human trisomy 21 syndrome. This study was based on serial sections of the whole brain from a sample of sixteen trisomy 16 mice and forty-six age-matched control littermates from embryonic day (ED) 12 to ED 18. Trisomy 16 brains showed a reduction of telencephalic size and abnormal cortical development. At ED 13 trisomy 16 and control brains appeared similar. By ED 14 difference in the cortical thickness and telencephalic growth became evident, and by ED 16 a marked size difference had developed between the trisomy 16 and control brains. By ED 18, however, the thickness of the trisomy 16 cortex had increased considerably and was not significantly different with respect to the thickness and cross-sectional areas of the pallium and its constituent cortical layers. The cell density of the trisomy 16 cortex had persistently decreased before ED 17, when the cell density of control and trisomy 16 corteces was similar within each layer. At ED 18 cell density of trisomy 16 cortex in each layer increased. There was inverse relationship between a number of TUNEL positive apoptotic cells and cell density in the trisomy 16 brains. Our results suggest that developmental abnormalities of the trisomy 16 brain indicated developmental delay of the telencephalon growth, which may be caused by apoptosis rather than by a proliferation defect.
Case Report
Partial Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome): An Autopsy Report.
Kyung Chan Choi, Hyung Sik Shin, Young Euy Park, Jung Lae Seo, Sung Won Lee, Eu Sun Ro, Yong Pil Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2002;36(5):338-340.
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Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) is rare and usually fatal if contracted within the first six months of life. We report a case of a male fetus with the typical features of Patau syndrome. He was terminated in a 27-year-old mother at the gestational age of 32+4 weeks. In chromsomal analysis by GTG banding technique, the karyotype of the fetus was 46,XY,rec(13) dup(13q)inv(13)(p13q21.3)(=partial trisomy 13q); and his mother's karyotype was 46,XX, inv(13)(p13q21.3)(=pericentric inversion). His father had normal karyotype, 46,XY. Ultrasonography showed fluid-nature content, which was occupying the entire intracranium, but preserving the brain stem and cerebellum. Postmortem examination disclosed holoprosencephaly, hydrocephalus, a single nostril, bilateral anophthalmia, ventricular septal defect, and a single umbilical artery.
Original Article
Craniofacial Morphogenesis of Mouse with Trisomy 16.
Jung Sun Kim, Jeong Wook Seo, Suk Wha Kim, Je G Chi
Korean J Pathol. 1994;28(6):596-604.
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Based on the genetic homology between mouse chromosome 16 and human chromosome 21, experimentally induced trisomy 16 mouse has been considered to serve as a suitable model for human Down syndrome. Mice with trisomy 16 express several phenotypic characteristics of human trisomy 21 syndrome; i.e., intrauterine growth retardation, anarsarca, congenital heart disease, brain abnormality, etc. To elucidate morphogenesis of characteristic craniofacial malformation in human Down syndrome, we studied trisomy 16 mouse fetuses that were produced by crossing karyotypically normal C57BL/6 female ice with males carrying the two Robertsonian translocation chromosome Rb(16.17)/Rb(11.16). We examined a series of trisomy 16 conecptuses and their normal littermate controls from day 14 to day 18 of gestation by gross observation and serial microscopic sections. In addition to smaller size and generalized edema, we observed variable, but definite delay in brain and craniofacial development in trisomy 16 mice. The brain revealed less stratified telencephalon, underdeveloped thalamus and hypothalmus with relatively wide third ventricle, and small rhombencephalon. Craniofacial underdevelopment was characterized by persistent open eye, cochlea with fewer turns, delayed closure of the palate, more simple nasal cavity, etc. The tongue was shorter and convex upward, that were especially prominent at 14 days of gestation. The convex tongue and underdeveloped brain made the cranial base convex upward, and the angle between the cranial base an vertebral axis more obtuse. Small head with increase cephalic index and midfacial hypoplasia appeared to account for brain underdevelopment.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine