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2 "Uterine cervical intraepithelial neoplasia"
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Expression of Apoptosis, bcl-2, and PCNA in Uterine Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Carcinoma.
Myoung Ja Chung, Kyu Yun Jang, Myoung Jae Kang, Dong Geen Lee, Byung Chan Oh
Korean J Pathol. 1997;31(11):1180-1189.
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This study was undertaken to know the extent of apoptosis, expression of bcl-2 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in uterine cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN; 15 cases) and invasive carcinoma (27 cases) and to evaluate them as a prognostic marker. Apoptosis was analysed by using the in situ apoptosis detection kit and bcl-2 and PCNA were detected by the immunohistochemical method. The results were as follows: Apoptotic indices (AI) in the invasive carcinoma (mean: 4.3) were 10-times higher than that in the CIN (mean: 0.43). Bcl-2 was expressed 60% of the cases in the dysplastic cells of the CIN II and CIN III, 33.3% of cases in the invasive carcinoma and not expressed in the CIN I except basal cells. The expression of the PCNA was increased by the grades of CIN and was strong in invasive carcinoma. The mean survival time of the patient with invasive carcinoma was significantly decreased in the higher AI index (above 4.3) than in the lower AI index (below 4.3). There was no significant correlation between the extent of apoptosis and the expression of bcl-2. According to the above results, AI are able to be used as an independent prognostic marker in the invasive cervical carcinoma, and bcl-2 and PCNA have an important role in the tumorigenesis of uterine cervical carcinoma.
Morphometric Study on Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia.
Jae Dong Cho, Byung Tae Park, Jung Dal Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1990;24(3):267-274.
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AbstractAbstract PDF
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human consist of dysplasia of various developmental stages and squamous cell carcinoma in situ of various types. These lesions can be diagnosed cytologically on cervico-vaginal smears, although the diagnostic reproducibility is limited. To obtain the objects morphologic distinction between normal squamous epithelial cell in different maturation, different stages of dysplastic cells and varieties of in situ carcinoma cells, Kontron IBAS-1 imaging analyzer was applied for the measurement of nuclear and cytoplasmic areas of each categorised cells. The followings are results obtained: 1) Nuclear and cytoplasmic areas of superfical (36.9 micrometer2, 2319.9 micrometer2) intermedicate (45.7 micrometer2, 2989.7 micrometer2) and parabasal cells (50.8 micrometer2, 432.7 micrometer2) of normal squamous epithelium origin are mostly distinctive between cell types. However, cytoplasmic areas of both superficial and intermediate cells and nuclear areas of both intermediate and parabasal cells are not significantly different. 2) Normal squamous cells and various dysplastic cells show obvious difference in their nuclear and cytoplasmic areas, while difference between cytoplasmic areas of both parabasal (432.7 micrometer2) and severe dysplastic cells (409.7 micrometer2) are not statistically significant. 3) No statistical difference is observed in between nuclear areas of both moderate dysplastic (112.3 micrometer2) and severe dysplastic cell (117.6 micrometer2). 4) Varieties of carcinoma in situ cells and severe dysplastic cells are in difference in their nuclear and cytoplastic areas, whereas nuclear areas from both in situ carcinoma cells (95.3 micrometer2) of large cell type and severe dysplasia (117.6 micrometer2) are not distinctive. The results lead the author to consider that the morphometric analysis for various parameters of cell constituents are of value in making objective distinction between cells from cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine