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Biologic Significance of Hepatocyte Hepatitis B Core Antigen Expression in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection II.
Hye Kyung Lee, Kwang Min Lee, Dong Kyu Chung
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(4):355-359.
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Routine use of commercially available antisera against hepatitis B core antigen(HBcAg) has permitted a reevaluation of the histochemical distribution of the antigen in liver tissue. HBcAg, classically described almost exclusively in the nucleus, was found with a very high frequency in the cytoplasm of liver cells as well. To elucidate the biologic significance of HBcAg expression and its relation to the natural course of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection, the patterns of activity in 33 needle liver biopsies of HBsAg carriers were analysed. A good correlation of liver HBcAg with disease activity was demonstrated. HBcAg was present in the hepatocyte nuclei(nHBcAg) or cytoplasm(cHBcAg), or in both(mixed). Pure nHBcAg was seen mainly in non-aggressive reactive liver tissue and cHBcAg was predominantly associated with chronic active hepatitis(95%). The results suggest that expression of HBcAg correlates with the liver pathology and the possibility of HBcAg to be an immunological target for T cell mediated hepatocyte damage.
Biologic Significance of Hepatocyte Hepatitis B Core Antigen Expression in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection.
Hye Kung Lee, Sang Ho Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1989;23(3):287-291.
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To elucidate the biologic significause of hepatocyte B core antigen (HBcAg) expression and its relation to the natural course of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, we tried to correlate the patterns of HBcAg with the HBV replication state and with disease activity in 40 needle biopsies performed on hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers aged from 15 to 46 years. In 32 of 40 cases, HBcAg was present in the hepatocyte nucleus (nHBcAg), in the cytoplams (cHBcAg) or in both (mixed). Pure nHBcAg was seen only in minimal hepatitis, but a diffuse pattern of expression of cytoplasmic HBcAg and mixed cytoplasmic and nuclear expression of HBcAg were seen in active hepatitis. There was also a good correlation between liver HBcAg and serum HBeAg.
s in which HBcAg expression were observed were positive for serum HBeAg (81%) and the cases negative for HBcAg were all positive for serum anti-HBe.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine