A 39-year-old male patient presented with chronic abdominal pain and intermittent diarrhea for 8 months. Colon study showed an annular stricture at the ileocecal value. He underwent ileocecectomy with clinica impression of intestinal tuberculosis. The resected intestinal wall along the lieocecal junction demonstrated a localized, annular constriction and intramural nodular inflammatory growth in which were clusters of multiple microabscesses as well as acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration including eosinophils and fibrosis. Encountered were a few resolving phase of parasitic granulomatous tunnels in which fragments of degenerated sparganum with foreign body reaction were found in one focus. He had history of ingesting uncooked frogs 2 years ago. The above case suggests that differential diagnosis of inflammatory tumorous lesions in the intestine should include sparganosis in Korea.