A retrospective analysis was performed on the 968 cases of fetal or pediatric autopsies over five year period (1990-1994), at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital. Age/mode distribution of cases were artificial abortus(30.6%), spontaneous abortus(12.0%), stillbirth(21.9%), neonates(29%), infants(2.8%) and children(0.9%). Male/female ratio was 1.21. Overall incidence of congenital anomalies was 60.8% and 34.0% of all cases had anomalies involving multiple organ systems. Percentage of cases with any anomaly was 71.6% in artificial abortus, 35.3% in spontaneous abortus, 59% in still births, 65.5% in neonates and 38.9% in infant and children. Common organ systems involved were the cardiovascular system (39.0%), musculoskeletal system (23.6%), nervous system (22.6%), gastrointestinal system (19.9%), and urinary system (14.6%). From these results, we found that the congenital anomalies were most significant diseases of the perinatal period and the cardiovascular anomalies were the most common anomalies of them.