A simple and micro method for the determination of the blood sugar was studied. serum glucose was estimated by neocuproine hydrochloride method previously described by M.E. Brown. Neocuproine method was compared with a classical Somogyi-Nelson method and also two filtrates namely Somogyi and Folin-Wu were used for the determination of glucose according to the neocuproine method. The values of glucose in serum of thirty seven healthy person by classical Somogyi-Nelson method were 8.60 ±7.5mg/100m1, by Somogyi filtrate-neocuproine method, 85.8±12.4mg/100ml and by Folin-Wu filtrate-neocuproine method, 102 ± 7.4mg/100m1 respectively. The estimation of glucose by a Somogyi-Nelson procedure and by the neocuproine is affected by the protein-free filtrate, and intraprocedual differences are small. However, consistantly lower values are obtained by the Somogyi-Nelson and Somogyi-neocuproine methods and probably represent a mere valid index of true serum glucose than the Folin-Wu neocuproine procedure.