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HOME > J Pathol Transl Med > Volume 14(2); 1980 > Article
Etc Study on Sex Differention by Leukocytic Nuclear Appendages in Peripheral Blood of Korean
Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine 1980;14(2):61-68
Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
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A study on sex difference by nuclear appendages of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes was made of one hundred cases in equal numbers of Korean male and female using peripheral blood smears. The nuclear appendages were observed and morphologically classified into type A (drumstick body), type B (sessile nodule, nodule with a thick stalk, drop), type C (rod, hocky, filament) and type D (dome, pyramid, rectangle) and made to differential counting of each type in the 500 neutrophils. Followings are results : 1) The occurrence of nuclear appendage type A was 5±3.8 in female, whereas no one was observed in male at all. It seems type A was the absolute diagnostic criteria for sex differentiation. 2) The occurrence of nuclear appendage type B was 46±18.8 in male, 55±26.3 in female, type C, 77±24.8 in male, 44±19.5 in female and type D, 55±16.2 in male, 47± 19.7 in female. The combined occurrence of type A and B was 46±20 in male and 61± 27.5 in female, All of them revealed no recognizable significance to make sex difference. 3) The ratio of the occurrence of type A and B to that of type C was 0.6±0.1 in male and 1.5±0.6 in female respectively and that was considerably significant to make sex difference. 4) The ratio of the occurrence of type A, B and D to that of type C was 1.4±0.3 in male and 2.7±1.0 in female respectively, and the ratio of the occurrence of type A and B to that of type C and D was 0.4±O.1 in male and 0.7土0.2 in female respectively, those were helpful to make sex differentiation.

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J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine