Angiosarcoma of the bone is rare with an incidence of 0.13%. It may be solitary or multiple. Its cytologic findings by FNA have rarely been reported. We report a case of angiosarcoma of the rib in a 66 year-old man. FNA revealed single or clusters of round to oval shaped cells in a hemorrhagic and myxoid background. The large central nuclei had irregular nuclear membrane, chromatin clumping and prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm was scanty with an eosinophilic distinct cytoplasmic border. Erythrophagocytosis by malignant cells was also found. Histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of angiosarcoma revealing irregular and com- plex anastomosing vascular channels lined by malignant round tumor cells, protruding into the lumen. Immunohistochemical staining revealed diffuse strong positive reaction to factor VIII-related antigen and CD31.