Curschmann' spirals morphologically similar to those seen in sputum were found in cervico-vaginal smears of six patients ranged from 28 to 40 years of age, during 18 months from January. 1985 to June. 1986. The prevalence was 1 in 2147 smears in that period. All of them had gynecologic disorders without systemic effect such as chronic cervictis in three, leiomyoma in one, pelvic inflammatory disorder in one, and primary infertility in one. The Curshmann' spirals in the smear showed varying degrees of maturation from wavy incipient ones to highly coiled mature ones, admixed with thick mucinous background, suggesting of their production in the uterine cervix itself. Also the recent history of undergone cryocautery, electrocautery or parturition suggest its production in the endocervical gland due to mechanical obstruction and/or change in biochemical composition of mucus.