Chondroid syringoma is a rare primary skin tumor arising from eccrine sweat gland. In 1982, Nasse had found a primary skin tumor having similar morphology as in the mixed tumor of the salivary glands. In 1961, Hirsch and Helwig proposed more descriptive diagnostic term, "Choindroid syringma". The authors experienced two cases of chondroid syringma. The first case was a 47 year old male patient who had had a subcutaneous nodule in the right forehead for two months. It was a well circumscribed mass, that showed tan gray myxoid cut surface with firm consistency. Microscopically, it was a wel diagnosed as chondroid syringoma with tubular, branching lumina. The second case was a 51 year old female patient who had had a subcutaneous nodule in the left forehead for 3 months. It was well circumscribed, ad easily shelled out. It had a typical microscopic features of chondroid syringoma with small, tubular lumina.