Embryonal carcinoma of testis may be composed of primitive cells with epithelial appearance showing prominent variation in size and shape, clear cytoplasm, overlapping nuclei. and many mitoses. Multiple lymph node enlargement was noticed in a 45-year-old man with known huge testicular tumor, 20 x 15 cm, and clinically malignant lymphoma was suspected. Microscopic and cytologic finding of both biopsy and needle aspiration from neck lymph node disclosed highly undifferentiated large cells, mostly in solid sheets and often forming glandular spaces. Massive necrosis was observed. Cytologic diagnosis of embryonal carcinoma was made possible, relied on the result of immunohistochemistry that revealed negative LCA, and positive cytokeratin and CEA as well as the cytologic features. Serum levels of HCG and AFP of the patient, in addition, were markedly elevated.