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Volume 13(4); December 1979
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A Morphological Study on the Maturation Process of the human Placenta
Ja Joon Jang, Je G. Chi, Sang Kook Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):403-413.
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The pathologist faced with the necessity for examining the placental tissue with a wide variety of gestational ages needs certain criteria for the determination of approximate gestational period in normal placentas. This knowledge enables one to be aware of abnormalities which could be physiological in certain period of gestation. Authors conducted a morphological study on 166 normal human placentas ranging from 6weeds to 44 weeks. These placentas were classifies into 6 groups according to gestationalperiod with the interval of 6 weeks. Gross and microscopic observations were made and tabulated. They are summarized as follows. 1. Gross findings of the developing placenta were characterized by cotyledon formation at the end of the 7th week, subchorionic fibrin deposit, fibrosis, tesselation and Nitatuch layer, all of them appearing by 27 weeks gestation. 2. Microscopical characteristics consisted of endarteritis obliterans of the arterioles by 28 weeks, and intervillous fibrin deposit and thrombosis by 19 weeks of gestational wege. 3. Trophoblastic cells of the terminal villi stowed loBs of con沐(목)nuation after 13 weeks and eventually syncytial trophoblasts remain until full term. Syncytial knots were seen after 20 weeks. Villous stroma changed from myxoid to fibrous nature by 19 weeks gestation. 4. Degenerative changes of the decidua were prominent by 28 weeks gestation, and recomprised of decidual necrosis, fibrin deposit and venous thrombosis. In conclusion, sequential morphological changes of the developing human placentas could enable us to determine the approximate gestational age for unknown placental samples.
Lymphoid Tissue in the Fetal Salivary Glands
Chul Keun Park, Je G.Chi, Sang Kook Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):415-423.
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For the determination of incidence of lymphoid tissue in the developing salivary gland, a histologic study was made on major salivary glands from 141 human fetuses ranging in gestation age from 13 weeks to 40 weeks. The fetuses were products of artificial abortion, collected at the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University. Following findings were observed. 1. The overall incidence of lymphoid tissue in toe salivary gland was high in parotid gland to be 46%, and was low in submandibular and sublingual glands to be 6% apiece. The lymphoid tissue seen in salivary glands consisted of intraglandular lymphoid nodule and/or lymptoid tissue with glandular inclusion. 2. There was no significant difference in the incidence of lymphoid tissue appearing in the salivary gland among groups of different gestational period, thus indicating that lymphoid tissue in salivary gland is not transient developmental process. 3. Morphological differentiation of the salivary glands appeals to be fairly consistent by each gestational period and is characterized by gradual decrease of stromal connective tissue, relative increase of parenchyme comprised of %ranching ducts and acini with eventual formation of mature lobule.
A Histopathological Study of Bone Tumors
Young Hee Park, Ju Hie Lee, Hee Kyung Kim, Hyun Sook Chi, Moon Ho Yang, Chae Koo Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):425-435.
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Neoplasms of bone occur sporadically and the management of certain malignant tumors of bone remails as one of the most perplexing problems of clinical medicine despite all therapeutic measures including ablative surgery, with or without radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Much problems for precise diagnosis of tone tumors were written in recent years. In spite of significant advances in the roentgenologic diagnosis of the tone tumors X-ray findings alone are sometimes misleading. The precise pathological diagnosis is the crucial determining factor in planning appropriate treatment. Histopathological studios were made on 80 cases of bone tumors, which were submitted to the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University during the period of 7 years and 9 months, from Oct., 1971 to July, Dec 1979 an4 results were as follows. 1. The sex distribution of tone tumors showed no significant difference, that of the male, 45 cases (56.3%) and of the female, 35 cases (43.7%) 2. The age distribution of tone tumors revealed 40∼49 years (22.2%) in peak age. 3. Among the histological distribution of bone tumors, 22 cases (17.5%) were primary benign bone tumors, 19 cases (23.7%) were primary malignant bone tumors and 39 cases (48.8%) were metastatic bone tumors. 4. Osteochondroma was the most frequently encountered primary bone benign bone tumor (9 cases, 41.0%), followed by giant cell tumor (4 cases 18.2%), chondromyxoid fibroma and hemangioma (3 cases, 13.6%, each). Osteogenic sarcoma was the most frequently encountered primary malignant tone tumor (13 cases, 68.4%), followed by chondrosarcoma (3 cages, 16.0%), malignant lymphoma, Ewing's tumor and undifferentiated round cell sarcoma (1 case, 5.2%, each). 5. The peak age incidence of primary bone tumors was 10∼19 years (14 cases, 34.1%) and of metastatic bone tumors was 40∼49 years (16 cases,41.0%). 6. Among the primary tone tumors, osteochondroma was the mosts frequently occurred and slightly male predominence (2:1) and peak age incidence was 10∼19 and 20∼29 years (3 cases, 33.3%, each). 7. Osteogenic sarcoma was the most frequent primary malignant tone tumor and showed male predominence (3:1), and the peak age incidence was 10∼19 years (7 cases, 53.8%). 8. Primary bone tumors arise4 most commonly in the Femur (14 cases, 33.3%), followed by Tibia (10 cases, 23.8%) The most common sites of the metastatic tone tumors were Vertebra (11 cases, 28.3%) and Femur(10 cases, 25.7%). 9. Clinical symptoms and signs were pain and tenderness, palpable mass and swelling, and weakness, etc. in order of frequency. In summary, these finding were similar to various reports in other countries, except for multiple myeloma.
Histochemical Study of Mesenchymal Tissue Tumors According to Differentiation
Nae In Lim, Jae Yun Ro, Chan Il Park, Yoo Bock Lee, Dong Sik Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):437-449.
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Based on histopathological and histochemical studies of 130 cases of benign and malignant tumors, which were submitted to the department of pathology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine during the period of 6 years and 6 months from Jan. 1972 to Jun. 1978, following results are obtained. 1. Among 130 cases, fibrocytic tumors were 46 cases, smooth muscle cell tumors, 23, and histiocytic tumors, 61. 2. Trichrome stain boomed to be more valuable to define the myofibrils and collagen fibers than van-Gieson stain, and reticulin stein is valuable for identifying the pattern of the tumor. 3. In smooth muscle cell tutors, leiomyoma and well differentiated leiomyosarcoma showed same staining character as normal smooth muscle cells, tut poorly differentiated ones revealed some degree of reduced stainabilily of the cytoplasm. 4. In fibrocytic tumors, poorly differentiated fitrosarcoma showed definitly reduced amount of collagen fibers than fibroma and well-differentiated fibrosarcoma. 5. Histiocytic tumors showed no appreciable difference in amount of collagen fiber in relation to its differentiation. In summary the special stains provided great diagnostic aid in differentrial diagnosis, however it is not always possible to define the histogenesis. Other specific diagnostic technics such as electron microscopy and tissue culture study were needed to accomplish more accurate diagnosis.
Clinico-Pathological Studies on primary Carcinoma of the Lung Among Koreans
Chang Jin Kim, Chan Il Park, Jae Yun Ro, In Joon Choi, Yoo Bock Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):451-461.
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Based on clinical and histopathological Studios of 287 cases of primary carcinoma of the lung for 21 year-period from 1957 to 1977, following results are obtained. 1). The lung cancer has rapidly increased since early 1970th. 2) Among 287 cases, 133 cases (46. 4%) were epidermoid carcinoma, 74 cases (25.8%) were oat cell carcinoma, 34 cases (11.9%) were adenocarcinoma, 18 cases (6.3%) were large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, 6 cases (2.1%) were bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinoma, and 2 cases(0.7% ) were bronchial adenoma. 3) The sex distribution showed male preponderance (3.9:1). 4) Among 136 cases whose smoking histories were available, 124 cases (91%) had smoked for over 10 years and among them 78 cases (57.4%) were epidermoid carcinoma. 5) The chief complaints were dyspnea, chest pain, coughing and weight loss, and paraneoplastic symptoms were observed in 2 cases. 6) The right lung showed slight preponderance (2:1). 7) Epidermoid carcinoma and oat cell carcinoma were found mostly at the hilum and central portion of both lungs. 8) Almost half (47%) of the cases had initially been treated as other benign diseases, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, common cold, broncitis and pneumonia before confirmative diagnosis of lung cancer. 9) The complications were pleural effusion, atelectasis and vocal cord paralysis in order of frequency. 10) Almost half (50.5%) of the lung cancer had metastasized to neck lymphnodes.
Immune Antibody in Multiparous Women
Ae Seek Kim, Sang In Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):463-467.
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For the diagnosis of hemolytic disease of newborn especially due to ABO group incompatibility, presence of immune antibody in blood of mother and/or infant is essential. Rosner's modified 2-Mercaptoethanol reduction method is simple and sensitive. With this method we have conducted some basic stuffy of immune antibody in multiparous women with blood group 0 and The results are as fellows; 1) The mean immune antibody titer of group 0 multiparous women (1:8) is significantly higher than control group (1:2) who are group 0 girls without history of transfusion or pregnancy. 2) Mean immune antibody titer is significantly different according to their husband blood groups. Group 0-A couple has higher antibody titer (1:16) than group 0-B or group 0-0 couple 3) Immune antibody titer shorts no significant correlation with age, number of pregnancy or time lapse from last delivery. In conclusion a newborn who is born to group 0 mother and group A father is most subject to ABO hemolytic disease of newborn than other blood group combinations. Antenatal determination of immune antibody titer in group 0 mother could be helpful for the diagnosis and prediction of development of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn.
A Comparative Study on Serum Transaminase Activities in Various Disease
Seung Ha Yang, Dael Lee, Seung Yong Paik
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):469-477.
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The elevated level of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) activity are useful in diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and acute parenchymal disease of liver, but less useful in other disease. The author compared levels of SGOT and SGPT in 93 cases of hepatobiliary disease and 380 cases of nonhepatobiliary disease. The result are as followings. 1. The level of serum transaminase were elevated in 72(SGPT)∼84(SGOT)% of cases of hepatobiliary disease and 22(SGPT)∼31(SGOT)% of nonhepatobiliary disease. 2. The levels of transaminase were markedly elevated in 40%(SGOT) and 5%(SGPT) of hepatotiliary disease, and in only one case among 380 cased of nonhepatotiliary disease. 3. Comparison of two transaminase level revealed higher activities in SGOT than SGPT in acute viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and heart disease. And activities of two transaminase were parallel in chronic hepatitis, hematoma and biliary disease.
Electrophoretic and Histochemical Findings of Alkaline Phosphatase in Serum and Various Organs of Rabbit
Kyung Sun Kim, Jae Sik Kim, Jyung Myung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):479-485.
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The author attempted to observe the cellose acetate microzone electrophoretic patterns, quantitative estimation, and histochemical localization of alkaline phosphatase from the sera and various organ tissues. in rabbit. In the electrophoretic analysis the tissue ALP from the liver (α1 and α2, lung (α2/β,β, and, β/r), bone (α2, α2/β, and β), kidney (α2, α2/β, β/r and γ), Iymph node (α1, α2, α3/β, and β), spleen (α2/β and β), and intestine (α2/β and β) showed the fractions of the high activity, while the heart and skeletal muscle did not show the any fraction of ALP. In the quantitative measurements of tissue ALP activity per gram unit extract the kidney ALP showed the highest level (49.5 Bessey-Lowly units), and the activity of the skeletal muscle ALP was the lowest (1.5 B.L. units). From the histochemical localization the tissue ALP was confirmed mainly in the biliary canaliculi of the liver, the convoluted tubules of the kidney, the intestinal and bladder mucosa, the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium and the alveoli of the lung, white pulps of the spleen, the cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland, the lymph node and the brain tissue respectively, while there was no ALP activity in the heart and the skeletal muscle.
Malakoplakia of the Colon and Lymphnode (Report of a case associated with acute myelocytic leukemia)
Jung Sil Cho, Ok Kyung Kim
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):487-491.
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A case of malakoplakia involving colon and lymphnode in a 57 year old Korean woman was reported. This patient was brought to medical attention because of pain and redness of the left neck and bloody diarrhea of 3 months duration. After admission to the Ewha Womans University hospital she wart found to have a masts in the rectum, which wag biopsied and showed nodular infiltrations of histiocytes and plasma cells. These von Hansemann histiocytes contained many Michaelis-Gutmann bodies that gave positive reaction to Periodic acid-Schiff, Gomori iron and von Kossa stains. Essentially same histological features were noted in the neck and inguinal lymphnode biopsies. Cultures of stool and lymphnodes yielded Proteus vulgaris and Proteus mirabilis, respectively. Peripheral blood and bone marrow examinations revealed 20∼60% and 41% myelotlasts in each, being compatible with acute myelocytic leukemia. This case is the third carte of malakoplakia in the Korean literature. And the association of acute myelocytic leukemia with malakoplakia seems to be an extremely rare even in the world literatures.
Malignant Teratoma of Prostatic Gland -A Case Report-
In Sun Kim, Ki Sung Moon, Seong Yong Paik
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):493-498.
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A teratoma is a true tumor which is composed of a variety of cell types representative of more than one germ layer. These neoplasma fire principally encountered in the ovaries and testes. Rarely teratoma crises in the midline of the body such as anterior mediastinum, retroperitoneum, sacrococcygeal region, intracranial cavity, neck and abdominal viscera, presumably from primitive sequestrated cell neats during embryogenesis. The teratoma is costly benign in histology and biology, however, rarely cancer develops in preexisting benign cystic teratoma. The prostatic glans ie an unusual site of the teratoma and so we report a case of teratoma which arose in the prostatic gland and underwent malignant change.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix with Superficial Extension of the Endometrium and Left Fallopian Tube - A case report -
Ju Hie Lee, Moon Ho Yang
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):499-503.
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Tubal and endometrial involvement of up-ward superficial spread from a cervical carcinoma is rare. A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix, occurred in a 45 year-old married woman, with wide spread squamous carcinoma in situ of endometrium and left fallopian tube is reported. A brief review of literature is added.
A Case of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Chin Hee Cho, Chong Moo Lee
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):505-509.
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A case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a 41 year old adult male who had worked in Saudi Arabia was presented. This patient visited the hospital because of a superficial ulcer with surrounding papular edema on the dorsum of right hand. Diagnosis was confirmed by detection of Leishman body on the Giemsa stain of the skin biopsy specimen. This was one of the first case of Leishmaniasis to be found in Korea. A brief review of literature was made.
Parathyroid Adenomas -A report of 2 cases-
Chin Hee Cho
Korean J Cytopathol. 1979;13(4):511-515.
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During the past 4 years the author experienced 2 crises of parathyroid adenoma which were diagnosed by the histopathological examination of the tumor mass removed by the surgical operation. The first case was a 22 year old male. The adenoma was located at the right lower portion of the thyroid area, and weighed 5.2 grams. The second case was a 39 year old female, and the tumor was also located at the right lower portion of the thyroid area, and weighed 2.0 grams. Microscopically, the first cases showed predominantly chief cells, mixed with small number of transtional and oxyphilic cells. The second case showed mainly chief cells, but some number of water clear cells transitional cells and oxyphilic cells were also found. A brief review of the literature and a discussion on the clinicopathological correlations were made.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine