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Case Report
- Diagnostic Importance of Recognition of Calcareous Corpuscles and Larva Part in the Diagnosis of Sparganosis by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: Reports of Three Cases of Mammary Sparganosis.
Woo Jung Sung, Seok Ju Park, Young Kyung Bae, Mi Jin Kim
Korean J Pathol. 2011;45(5):542-546.
- Sparganosis of the breast is an uncommon disease.
Cytological granulomatous inflammation is a common feature of sparganosis. The presence of larval fragments is necessary for a definitive diagnosis of sparganosis in a cytological specimen. However, calcareous corpuscles entrapped in necrotic debris can be very diagnostic for sparganosis in endemic areas. We experienced three cases of mammary sparganosis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology before surgical excision. Two cases showed numerous calcareous corpuscles associated with necrotic debris thought to be degenerated parasitic bodies. The remaining case revealed a few degenerative calcareous corpuscles and parasitic bodies. The presence of calcareous corpuscles and/or degenerative parasitic bodies can be an aid in the differential diagnosis between sparganosis and other forms of granulomatous mastitis, particularly in endemic areas of sparganosis.
Original Article
- Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Sparganosis.
Sung Suk Paeng, Yoon Ju Kim, Seong Eun Yang, Hee Jin Chang, Jung Il Suh, Young Chun Moon
Korean J Cytopathol. 1996;7(1):59-63.
- Human sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease in which the larval cestode proliferates in the various organs in the body. It usually presents as a subcutaneous or soft- tissue mass. By fine needle aspiration this lesion can be diagnosed with its characteristic cytologic findings.
We experienced 3 cases of sparganosis diagnosed by the fine needle aspiration. Aspirates were taken from subcutaneous mass in the abdomen and both thighs respectively. The aspirates showed a portion of body of sparganum with numerous calcospherules, smooth muscles and tegmentat cells.
They also revealed granulomas with various inflammatory infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Case Report
- Intestinal Spargnanosis Presenting as an Inflammatory Mass: A case report.
Weon Seo Park, Seung Sook Lee, Yong Il Kim, Seon Hee Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(4):414-416.
- A 39-year-old male patient presented with chronic abdominal pain and intermittent diarrhea for 8 months. Colon study showed an annular stricture at the ileocecal value. He underwent ileocecectomy with clinica impression of intestinal tuberculosis. The resected intestinal wall along the lieocecal junction demonstrated a localized, annular constriction and intramural nodular inflammatory growth in which were clusters of multiple microabscesses as well as acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration including eosinophils and fibrosis. Encountered were a few resolving phase of parasitic granulomatous tunnels in which fragments of degenerated sparganum with foreign body reaction were found in one focus. He had history of ingesting uncooked frogs 2 years ago. The above case suggests that differential diagnosis of inflammatory tumorous lesions in the intestine should include sparganosis in Korea.