Fig. 1Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor. (A) Histopathologic examination shows the epithelial lining is composed of columnar or cubical cells, and the nuclei of which are barrier-ranged. Sporadic or conglobate ghost cells are seen in the lining epithelium. (B) Immunohistochemistry shows the Ki-67 is sparsely expressed in tumor cells but negatively in ghost cells, and (C) matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) is sparsely expressed in tumor cells and interstitium but negatively in ghost cells (Ki-67 and MMP-9 marker).
Fig. 2Panoramic X-ray film shows a nonopaque lesion located between the right upper lateral incisor and second premolar. The absorption of the root apex could be detected in the involved teeth.
Fig. 3Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma. (A) Histopathologic examination shows epithelial cell nests in tumor tissue. (B) Tumor cells are admixed with anucleate ghost cells. Inset: Several tumor cells show atypical mitoses. (C) The tumor cells invade the surrounding vessel. The tumor cells infiltrate into the adjacent fibro-vascular tissue. The clusters of ghost cells are diffusely distributed in the tumor nests. (D) Immunohistochemistry shows the Ki-67 is strongly expressed in the tumor cells but negatively in ghost cells, and (E) matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) is strongly expressed in interstitium, weakly in the tumor cells but sparsely in ghost cells (Ki-67 and MMP-9 marker).