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Volume 11(4); December 1977
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Histopathological Changes of Auricular Appendages Removed at Heart Surgery
Hyun Soon Lee, Eui Keun Ham
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):285-292.
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Two hundred twenty two auricular appendages from patients with acquired and congenital heart diseases, that were obtained through valvoplasty procedures during a period of 10 years from 1967 to 1976, were examined histopathologically at the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University. Among 80 cases of acquired heart disease (mitral stenosis 66 cases; mitral stenoisufficiency 7 cases: mitral insufficiency 5 cases; mitral stenosis and tricuspid insufficiency 2 cases), there were 12 cases (15%) of endocardial granulomas, 5 cases (6.2%) of myocardial granulomas, 6 cases (7.5%) of endocardial basophilic degeneration and 8 cases (10%) of myocardial basophilic degeneration. Cellular infiltrations of endocardium were observed in 8 cases (10%) and of myocardium in 14 cases (18%). Endocardial fibrosis was seen in 22 cases (18%) and myocardial fibrosis in 5 cases (6.2%), respectively. Myocardial hypertrophy was found in 77 cases (96.3%), in which 24 cases (30%) of mild degree, 31 cases (38.8%) of moderate degree and 22 cases (17.5%) of severe degree were included. Incidence and severity of the above lesions from patients with acquired heart disease were relatively low comparing with those of other authors. Incidence of auricular lesions of the congenital heart disease was very low. Authors also observed various gradational changes of vascular sclerosis of lung biopsy specimens that were obtained at the time of surgery together with the auricular appendage. These findings suggest that the severity of vascular sclerosisis is in parallel to the severity of myocardial hypertrophy as well as to the duration of the illness.
The Effects of Halothane Anesthesia to the Fine Structures of Liver Cells
Byung Heun Kim, Byung Chul Park, Suk Jae Hong
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):293-298.
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This study was carried out to investigate the early morphologic effects of halothane anesthesia to the rat liver cells. Albino rats were moderately anesthesized with halo-thane for I hour, and sacrificed immediately, at 4 hours, and at 12 hours after anesthesia respectively. And the livers were extracted out and observed by the electron microscope. The results obtained were summarized as follow: Immediately after anesthesia, marked dilatation of rough and smooth ER, large ampitude swelling of mitochondria, and shedding and disorganization of ribosomes were found similar degenerative changes were noted at 4 hours after anesthesia and these changes were returned to normal limits after 12 hours except dilation of lumina of ER. Autophagosomes were increased immediately after anesthesia, and were changed to autophagolysosomes and residual body at later time. Golgi complex was proliferated with increased primary lysosome formation from 4 hours to 12 hours after anesthesia. The results suggested that halothane could induce degenerative changes of rat liver cells, which accelerated autophagocytosis at later time.
The Changes of Secretory Granule of Pancreatic Acinar cells Induced by Actinomycin D
Dong Koo Lee, Ki Whan Chung, Tae Joong Sohn
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):301-306.
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The author studied the changes of pancreatic acinar cells after actinomycin D treatment to clarify the precise morphologic changes during secretory processes of the recovery stage of injured cells. Rats were given intramuscular injection of 0.5μgm of the drugs per gm of body weight. Animals were sacrificed on the next, second and fifth days after injections and observed by the electron microscope. The results were summarized as following: The pancreatic acinar cells, on the next day after actinomycin D treatment showed considerable loss of their secretory granules, shedding and destruction of membrane-bound ribosomes, and fragmentation and distortion of lamella pattern of rER with dilatation of their lumina. On the second day, rER remained in vesicular or vacuolar shape and ribosomes were enormously increased in number. Golgi complex was markedly proliferated and active secretory granules were increased in number but most were small. On the fifth day, almost entire subcellular structures were returned to normal. The results suggested that actinomycin D inhibited the secretory granule formation by blocking the protein synthesis and these changes were progressively from the second day and the recovery was completed on the fifth day.
On the Ultrastructural Changes of Rat Myocardial Fiber Induced by Methoxyflurane Anesthesia
Dong Koo Lee, Jae Myung Chung, Suk Jae Hong
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):309-313.
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The author studied the ultrastructural changes of the myocardial fibers under the methoxyflurane anesthesia. Nine albino rats were anesthetized with methoxyflurane for 60 minutes. Each of three group were sacrificed immediately, four hours and twelve hours after anesthesia respectively and then heart were extracted out. The results obtained were summarized as follow: First group revealed mild degenerative changes in mitochondria of myocardial fiber. Cristae were decreased in number, and partial disruption, and fused together to form large irregular shaped body, chondriosphere of de Robertis. Sarcoplasmic reticulum was slightly dilated and glycogen particles were also slightly decreased. Second group revealed milder change than first group. The third group revealed to the normal structure.
The Changes of Acrosome of Rat Germinal Epithelium Induced by Ethionine Feeding
Byung Heun Kim, Kwang Sae Kim, Tae Joong Sohn
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):315-319.
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The author studies the effect of ethionine upon the acrosome formation of spermatozoa in albino rats. Five tenth percent of DL-ethionine was added to the diet of the experimental group rats and they were sacrificed after l,2,3, and 4 weeks, respectively. The testes were observed by electron microscope: The results obtained were summarized as follow: The changes were decrease in electron density and irregularity of margin in acrosomes, vacuolization, irregularity of margin and increase or decrease in electron density in head cap, poorly defined border between acrosome and head cap, and decrease of Golgi remnant. These changes were occurred at second to third weeks from start of ethionine feeding and more severe at fourth week. These overvation suggested ethionine induced degenerative changes of acrosome and its related structures, characterized by decrease of electron density, vaculization and irregularity of their margin. The degenerative changes of these structure were considered to be induced by secondary effects of damage to other organells, such as mitochondria and so.
Histopathologic Study on the Carcinoma of the Stomach among Koreans (I. Statistical Investigations)
Hyo Sook Park
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):321-334.
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In recent years, the rapid progresses in roentgenographic and endoscopic diagnosis of gastric carcinoma, and its application in clinical practices have apparently been responsible, and their combination with biopsy has made good results in the detection of early lesions of gastric carcinoma, by which the increasing rate in the discovery of early as well as advanced carcinomas of the stomach has fortunately given the opportunity to study the histopathological analysis of gastric carcinoma. Study on the carcinoma of the stomach, especially on its etiology, is the most utmost importance not only for us but also the majority of the world’s population. Among several aspects in the approach to this subject, the most comprehensive and urgent problem may be the epidemiological and its analytical comparisons of the various incidence rates of this cancer with nation-wide registration of the patients. Under such considerations, an statistical analysis of gastric cancer, studied at Department of Pathology, National Medical Center, from Jan. 1976 to Aug. 1977, was made at first, and some results were obtained.
Study of Mucous Gland Hypertrophy of Draining Bronchus in Pulmonary Tuberculous Lesion
Eui Keun Ham
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):335-340.
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Observation on bronchial gland hypertrophy of draining bronchus in pulmonary tuberculous lesions were made on 32 male and 6 female lobectomied cases. Ages of the cases ranged from 21 to 53 years. Three sections were taken from the definite sites of the draining bronchus of each case for this study, and the mucous gland thickness, in millimeters, and the Reid index were calculated from these mean values. The general mean values for the Reid index were 0.486(0.483 in male and 0.506 in female) and for the mucous gland thickness were 0.241mm(0.238mm in male and 0.255mm in female). Mucous gland hypertrophy was observed most frequently in cases with complete encapsulated lesion of tuberculoma in lung(mean Reid index, 0.648) and next was with non-cavitary caseous lesion of lung in orders. In the drained bronchus, the mucous gland hypertrophy appear to be more vulnerable to bronchial lesion of multiple tubercles forming bronchitis with ulceration and squamous cell metaplasia.
Estimation of Normal Ranges from Clinical Laboratory Data
Chang Soo Chung
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):341-357.
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It is desirable for each clinical laboratory to have its own normal ranges. The easy way to obtain them is to utilize the routine laboratory test values. For this purpose many statistical methods have been proposed. In this paper are introduced the three methods, that is, Hoffmann, Neumann and Bhattacharya methods, and a method by the present author based on the maximum likelihood method for estimation of parameters of truncated normal distribution. The author described the statistical principles and the procedures in application about the four methods, and then, applying these methods, estimated normal ranges from the laboratory data on several test items furnished by the clinical laboratory of Busan University Hospital and Busan Gospel Hospital. The 95% normal ranges established by the evaluation of the results by the four methods are as follows: Serum chloride, 91-107mEq/L; serum creatinine, 0.5-1.0mg/dl; serum urea nitrogen, 6-20mg/d1; serum thymol turbidity, 1-7 MU; serum alkaline phosphatase, 3-10 unit (Kind-King) : serum total protein, 6-8g/dl; serum albumin, 3-5gdl ; serum globulin, 1.6-3.8g/dl; blood glucose, 65-105mg/d1. In the process of evaluation of the results it was found that in decreasing order of efficacy are Bhattacharya, the maximum liklihood estimate, Neumann, and Hoffmann method as expected. It is of the author’s opinion that a better estimate of normal range is obtained by using Bhattacharya method together with the maximum likelihood estimate method or Neumann method than by anyone of them, and that Hoffmann method does not, in general, yield good results except in some special cases.
Evaluation of Chemical Kits Available in Korea
Han Ik Cho
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):359-365.
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In order to improve the quality of laboratories, routine use of commercial kit is recommended. This evaluation study was done to see if commercial kits presently available in Korea will suffice to use in routine laboratory. Domestic kits for cholesterol, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, BUN and albumin and imported kit (DADE) for cholesterol were evaluated. Correlation of results of kits and our laboratory results was good except amylase. The test for precision of kits showed higher coefficient of variation in cholesterol, amylase and BUN than acceptables range, but no significant differences from our laboratory results. The test of accuracy for cholesterol and amylase showed that percentages of error of kits were within the acceptable range although higher than our laboratory result in cholesterol determination. In summary the domestic chemical kits of cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, BUN and albumin seemed to be suffice to routine laboratory tests, however kits for amylase needed further evaluation because of its high coefficient variation.
Evaluation of Internal and External Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
Bum Suk Tchai
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):367-376.
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A basic role of the clinical chemistry is to provide qualitative and quantitative data on biological specimens obtained from patients and other subjects as an aid to the diagnosis, treatment and investigation of human disease. Such data require reliability and the regular provision of reliable data is acquired by close attention to quality control technigues and quality control procedures are now accepted as an important part of all clinical chemistry measurements. Quality Control results of individual laboratories and composite summary of the quality control values from a series of laboratories large enough to show a dispension of values from a variety of methods and instruments have been reported. Also interlaboratory comparison, external ,quality control procedure has been continued since the end of the 1960’s to compare the results of one laboratory with those of others by analyses of the same materials and, ideally, use of the same analytical methods. In this way, the success of internal quality control in one laboratory can be assessed. We have been analyzing the quality control sera over a long period of time for the assessment of variation of biochemical measurements in our laboratory and participating in International Quality Control Scheme, World Health Organization Programme for the Quality Control of Clinical Chemistry Assays for Clinical Trials of Fertility Regulating Agents, since February, 1977. It is the purpose of this report to present internal and external quality control values actually obtained in daily practice by Clinical Chemistry: Laboratory in the Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Population, College of Medicine, Seoul National University and to compare the results with those of others.
Lipoid Pneumonia Induced by Perilla Oil -A Case Report and an Experimental Appraisal-
Kye Yong Song, Je Geun Chi, Eui Keun Ham, Yong Chol Han, Joon Rhyang Roh
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):377-382.
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Perilla oil is one of the neutral vegetable oils, which has a fat content of 40-49%. Among Koreans this oil is known as "Deul-Ki-Reum", and has long risen used for seasoning in most homes. This oil is sometimes used in large doses for the good of general health among people. The purpose of this communication is to report a case. of marked lipoid pneumonia that necessitated a lobectomy, and was presumed to be caused to be caused by perilla oil. An animal experiment using rabbits were carried out and was found to cause similar lesions.
One Case of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
Jeong Rae Kim, Moon Hyang Park, Hyo Sook Park
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):385-391.
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Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare variety of chronic pyelonephritis and characterized pathologically by extensive destruction of renal parenchyme with presence of granulomas, abscesses, myriads of lipid-laden macrophages(foam cells), plasma cells, and lymphocytes, and is involved virtually always unilateral kidney. It’s etiology and pathogenesis are unclear but four possible factors are suggested: 1. an abnormality in lipid metabolism. 2. previous in effective antibiotic therapy for a relatively benign urinary tract infection. 3. a specific offending infectious agent. 4. obstruction of the urinary tract at some level. We have recently experienced one case of Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in 23 year old korean female.
Giant Hypertrophy of Gastric Mucosa(Menetrier’s disease) -A Case report-
Hee Kyung Kim, Hyun Sook Chi, Moon Ho Yang, Chae Koo Lee, Yong Heon Kim*, Yong Chul Park*
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):393-397.
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A 60 year-old man had giant thickening of the gastric mucosa and mild hypoproteinemia. Chronic abdominal discomfort and suspicious carcinomatous lesion on Upper G.Ⅰ. series and gastroscopic findings eventually required subtotal gastrectomy. Histologically the stomach showed marked thickening of the gastric mucosa with frequent cystic dilatations, especially in the basal layers, some of them herniated through muscularis mucosa, resembling Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus in chronic cholecystitis.
The Diffuse Erythrophagocytosis in Hodgkin’s Disease -An autopsy case report-
C.C. Cho, O.J Paik., S.K. Moon
Korean J Cytopathol. 1977;11(4):399-404.
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This autopsy proven Hodgkin’s disease in a 21-year-old Korean male has shown a striking erythrophagocytosis phenomenon by the atypical histiocytes in the reticuloendothelial system organs. The discussion about the clinico-pathologic characteristics of the case, with pertinent literature review, is tried.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine